Thank you so much, dear Mateja! :-)
NYC n° 134 Pinstripe White
Golden Rose Sweet Colour n° 28 Red (pinky)
Bottega Verde n° 113442 Turquoise (ring finger nail)
Kiko n° 343 Spring Green (middle finger nail)
Kiko n° 253 Magenta (index finger nail and thumb nail)
Kiko n° 340 Light Blue (thumb nail)
Kiko n° 377 Apple Blossom (thumb nail)
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat
Aww, this is sooo cute, love both the bracelet and the matching mani :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Maria! :-) I really wanted to make a manicure that will match this beautiful bracelet! :-)
Deletesono senza parole, che dolce!!! e il braccialetto è stupendo! complimenti!
Grazie! Tutto merito della mia cugina, io ho solo fatto la manicure che si sposa bene con questo bellissimo braccialetto :-)
DeleteThis is such a lovely and fun looking manicure. Perfect design for girls like us with a polish addiction :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Andrea! Yes, I think that every girl with a polish addiction would like to wear this manicure, at least for one day! :-)
DeleteSo cute! I love it!!!
ReplyDelete:-) Thank you...! :-)
DeleteThat is so cool, I really like it :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :-)
Delete(@_@) !!!
ReplyDeleteTotally and completely adorable. And your bracelet is so perfect with it too! ♥
PS: Husband also said, "Oh my god, that's adorable."
DeleteThank you, Elisabeth! :-)
DeleteOh, it means that I'm not the only one who asks my husband: "Do you like this?" or "Do you like that?", not only for my manicures, also for the others manicures... :-)
awww this made me smile! So incredibly cute
ReplyDeleteThank you! :-)
DeleteThis is a super cool manicure!!! <3
ReplyDeleteThank you, Irina! :-)
Deletelol, narukvicu sam već vidila a manikura je ludnica, prava ovisnička... sve u kompletu - ma svi će vidit koliko voliš lakove ;D
ReplyDeleteAko se skloni narukvica, manikir i nije nesto... Narukvica ga spasava...! :-) A jeste veseo manikir! :-)
Deletee ovo je prava nail addict manikura, mozes je pravit tako da svaki put neki drugi lak iz kolekcije stavis u bocicu
ReplyDeletePa da, mi koje smo "nail addict" se dobro razumemo! :-)
DeletePrekrasno!Manikura je super a narukvica skroz luda,i ja bi rado nosila nesto takvo!
ReplyDelete:-) Hvala! Drago mi je da ti se obe stvari dopadaju! :-)
DeletePreslatko! ^____^ <3
ReplyDelete:-) Hvala! :-)
Deletelove this! and the bracelet!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lydz! :-)
DeleteTale manikura je res PREČUDOVITA in super paše k zapestnici! Me veseli, da je kombinacija všeč toliko puncam, hihi! =))
ReplyDeletePokusala sam da napravim takav manikir koji ce se slagati sa narukvicom, a drago mi je ako sam u tome uspela! Hvala jos jednom za narukvicu, draga moja Mateja! :-)