I put this beautiful Bottega Verde Pearly Copper nail polish on my nails and decided to draw some lines with black acrylic colour... :-)
Then it seemed to me that I should fill the spaces between the lines, and I did it with creamy acrylic colour...
But somehow I "missed" something, so I decided to draw some dots with the same colour that I used for the base colour... And only then I was happy with this manicure :-)
The only problem was to find out what it represents and to find a proper name for it :-)
I remembered some paintings of Salvador Dalí, with his famous melting clocks, and I started to see a kind of melting drawer cabinet on my nails... so this is how this manicure got its name :-) What do you think about the name and about the manicure?
P.S. of course, this melting drawer cabinet is full of nail polishes... :-)
Bottega Verde 113415 Pearly Copper
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat
krasan ti je lakić u podlozi *.*
ReplyDeletekao dalijevoj obožavateljici ne smeta mi što kradeš njegove ideje ;-D
:-) jadnicak, mora da se prevrce u grobu kad vidi ovaj nazovi istopljeni ormaric... :-)
Deletema neće, samo će još malo izbečit oči i ufitiljit brkove ahahahaha
Deletemoram ti priznat da mi je posjet njegovom muzeju bio jedno od najluđih iskustava ikad, čovik je zabavniji nego luna park :-D
I ja sam uspela da posetim jednu izlozbu njegovih dela, sasvim slucajno, to je bilo pre skoro 10 godina u Londonu, tada smo se moj muz i ja nalazili na "medenom mesecu" (4 dana u Parizu i 4 dana u Londonu); tog dana smo predvideli 100 drugih stvari za obici i videti, a kad smo videli Dalijevu izlozbu jednostavno nismo imali izbora: usli smo i gotovo, taj dan je bio posvecen njemu... :-)
DeleteThe design on each nail is perfect, your quit amazing and very skilled when it comes to free hand designs!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Andrea! :-) Drawing with acrylic colours is soooo much easier than drawing with nail polishes... that is the secret :-)
DeleteYes, and a steady hand is important too :)
DeleteThis is sooo pretty - I love it :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Maria! :-)
Deletenisam bas neki ljubitelj smedje, a da nisi dodala ove tockice bili bi ko neki zubici :D
ReplyDeleteSrecom nisu zubici, inace bi im ove tackice bile karijes... :-)
DeleteBoze dragi, imas divne ideje! :D
ReplyDelete:-) Hvala! :-)
Deletehaha i love this, specially since the drawer is full of polishes! :)
ReplyDelete:-) Oh, yes, it would be so nice to have it like that! :-)
ReplyDelete:-) Hvala! :-)
DeleteIdeja za poimenovanje te manikure ti je odlična! =)) Tudi jaz sem bila v Dalijevem muzeju v Španiji na maturantskem izletu in takrat se nam je vsem zdelo: "Ma joooj, mi bi žurali, kaj nas vozijo v muzeje??" No, na koncu pa nas niso dobili ven, tako smo bili navdušeni. ;))
ReplyDeleteHahaha...! Mislim da su i nas dvoje isterali sa Dalijeve izlozbe u Londonu par minuta pre zatvaranja muzeja!!! :-)
DeleteI don't know why, but I see a piano here :)
ReplyDeleteIt could be! :-) But from the moment I start seeing melting drawer cabinet I new I was going to call it like that! :-)
DeleteHi! Your mani inspired my on my current challenge day. Not the same as yours, but you were the inspiration and I noted you and linked to your blog! Thx, you do beautiful work!
Thank you! :-)