Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

06 December, 2013

Snowflakes on textured denim blue

Christmas time is coming and also I feel in the mood for some Christmas manicures :-) 
The first thing that comes to my mind are snowflakes and I think that this denim blue is a perfect base for some cold, white snowflakes! :-) 
I also have the impression that this month will be full of textured manicures, lately I got some beautiful textured nail polishes and I will surely be very happy to show them to you! :-) 

So, here are my snowflakes, hope you like them! :-)

Golden Rose Holiday n° 55
Acrylic colours
half round metal silver rhinestones


  1. Wow.... davvero appropriato!
    Che bei lavori che fai...

  2. That polish is perfect as a snowy sky behind the snow flakes - very beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) Somehow I knew I was going to draw some snowflakes on it! :-)

  3. very lovely snowflakes. great choice of background :)

  4. krasan lakić *.*
    a pahuljice... kako su samo ostale tako uredne preko hrapavca??? ma ti si meni skroz sumnjiva, tu se neka gadna magija skriva ;)

    1. Jeste, lakic je krasan i odmah sam pozelela da na njemu nacrtam neke pahuljice... :-) Pa jeste, ti znas da nije bas lako nacrtati nesto na hrapavcima, linije ne budu tako prave kao sto zelimo i neverovatno je tesko nacrtati ih tanke... Crtanje po hrapavcima je bas pravi izazov i ja sam ga ovih dana prihvatila, jer sam htela da mi manikiri budu i ostanu hrapavi! Imam jos jedan manikir napravljen na hrapavcu koji je ostao hrapav, bice objavljen sutra :-)

  5. Kako ce mene svi silni swatchevi natjerat da kupim ovog hrapavca, a pahuljice su divan dodatak <3

  6. Gorgeous! I love snowflake manicure :)

  7. Beautiful! Makes me chilly but still so beautiful!!!

    1. Thank you, Jin! :-) I love to watch snowflakes (from the inside, through the window) and I love to draw them! :-)


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