So, I don't really wear this manicure today, this is not really my birthday-manicure, but today is my birthday! :-)
The sum of numbers on two dices on each nail is 7, and this is kind of my lucky number... 7, 17, 77... they all are my lucky numbers :-) So I hope that today I will be a little more lucky and I also wish to hand a little bit of luck to everyone of you! :-)
Kiko Hologram n° 353 Red Supernova, click on the link to see it! :-)
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat
Happy birthday - I hope you enjoy it (if you have the time)
ReplyDeleteDuring such a busy time, there is no need to post every day, cut away Saturdays that always are slow anyhow, and one or two other normally slow days - that will make it less stressful...
The mani is as always very sweet and this feels very lucky :)
Thank you, Maria! :-) Yes, I enjoyed it lately in the evening :-) The first part of the day I had to work and in the afternoon somehow I had to finish this or that... there is always something to do... But the evening I "stucked off" and celebrated a little bit..! :-)
DeleteFor the moment I have more posts (and I try to continue making new manicures when I can, of course), but surely I will slow down if necessary :-)
opa miki, crveni noktići, ludnica *.*
Deletea zaboravila ti čestitat rođendan, sramota :-(
ReplyDeletepa sretno ti draga moja, neka ti se barem koja želja ispuni <3
Hvala ti od srca! Nadam se da ce da se ispuni jedna malo veca i bar dve-tri male! :-)
Deletedok sam jos na vrijeme sretan rodjendan :D a i kockice su mi sladjusne, same sedmice i osmice, za prave kockare XD
ReplyDeleteHvala od srca! :-) Uh, da znas da sam se zabrinula kada sam procitala "same sedmice i osmice", pa sam dobro pogledala fotografiju da proverim: imam samo sedmice i one mi donose srecu..! :-)
Deleteil se meni prividjaju tockice il je istina sto kazu da mi prirodnjaci zaboravimo zbrajat kad se pocnemo bavit nekom kompliciranijom matematikom XD
DeleteMa to ti je od previse sunca...ili od previse mora... Ma, neee... mora nikad ne moze biti previse...! :-)
DeleteKasnim, kasnim! Forgiv mi! Srecan rodjendan! ^_____^ Zelim ti mnooogo srece, ljubavi i zdravlja! :] <3
ReplyDeleteSuper cute noktici. :3
Hvala ti od srca! :-) Hvala i zato sto ti se svidjaju ovi noktici! :-)
DeleteOh sorry I missed your birthday, but Happy birthday!!
ReplyDeleteHope you've enjoyed that least I'm enjoying your manis today :P
Actually this one reminds me of dice-boxed caramel which we classically have in JP ;)
Thank you! :-) Yes, I enjoyed at least in the evening! :-)
DeleteI'm one day late, but Happy Birthday to you!!! :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I think that also I was late for your birthday :-)
DeleteDon't worry, I accept congratulations anytime, thank you so much! :-)
I also think that it's always better late than never ;).
DeleteP.S. I see there're many nail bloggers that are cancers by zodiac sign :)
Thanks again! :-)
DeleteP.S. I never noticed that fact, I remember now that also your zodiac sign is cancer! :-)
ReplyDeleteČeprav sem tudi jaz že en dan prepozna, pardon! *bluuush*
In naj ti sedmice s kockic prinesejo srečo, hihi! =))
Hvala, hvala! Nema veze za zakasnjenje, cestitka je primljena od srca! :-) Nadam se da ce malo srece preci i na tebe! :-)
Deletethose are really amazing! and happy belated birthday! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lydz! :-) I love dices! :-) And thank you for the greetings! :-)