Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

09 January, 2014

French manicure with blue flower

At the beginning of last autumn I had some strange problems with my netbook; after a long "battle" I sadly realized that there's nothing more to do for it, it would cost more to repair the old one than to buy a new one... :-/ 
Last week, I finaly managed to get back the photos of something like ten manicures (...didn't have a back-up for them, the only copy was "captured" in my netbook..), to prepare the posts and show you my "creations" :-) So, these days I'm going to publish some old manicures, made last autumn :-)

This is the first in a sequence of four french manicures :-) 
Yes, I had some bad stains on my nails, unfortunately they didn't seem so visible until I saw the photos on my computer (and macro photos are really "cruel"...), but I still saved the manicure and I wanted to show it to you because I liked how the flower came out :-)

Kiko n° 212 French Satin Pink
NYC n° 134 Pinstripe White
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. krasan crtež ali meni je french zbilja dosadan lol ovo je bilo brutalno... možda da je neka bojica ispod ;)

    1. Ej, slusaj ti tamo..! Ja french napravim tri puta u godini, a ti me tako "ubijes u pojam"! :-) Znaci, posto ce narednih par dana biti sve neki french manikiri, ti nemoj da posecujes moj blog..! :-) :-P

    2. jooooooooj, opet sam bila zločesta :(

    3. Hahaha... To sto si kako ti to kazes "zlocesta" ti daje poseban sarm! :-) Znaci, samo nastavi tako, da su svi prema meni zlocesti kao ti mislim da bih bas lepo zivela :-)

  2. this is really pretty, i love those blue flowers. Classy and beautiful.

  3. Nisam neki ljubitelj frencha, ali ga znam napravit tu i tamo (nisam odavno istina) Al ovo mi super izgleda, te cvjetne naljepnice uvijek poprave sve :P

    1. Pravim french vrlo retko jer manikiri bele boje kod mene na poslu budu unisteni za 10 minuta... :-/ A cvetne nalepnice.. pa imam stampariju nalepnica kod kuce... :-)

  4. Ah! ok, I got the french now!
    I guess this was my punishment from going backwards ;-))
    This is another gorgeous manicure! I totally love this series!!!

    1. :-) You made me laugh loud with your "I guess this was my punishment from going backwards!"... but usually we all do it..! :-)
      Thank you! :-)


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