Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

26 January, 2014

Deborah Nail Stickers

When it comes to nails and manicures, my favourite technique is free hand nail art :-) It doesn't happen often, but from time to time I like to experiment also other things like sponging, striping tapes, stamping, water decals... So, I decided to try also some nail stickers too :-)

Today I present to you Deborah Milano nail stickers. 
You can easily apply them to your nails, you don't have to wait till the nail polish is dry, so you get an unique design on your nails in a few minutes.
There are many different patterns, all beautiful, I chose the pattern n° 02, zebra pattern :-)

1. clean your nails
2. choose the size that fits your nail
3. apply the sticker on your nail and press it firmly
4. fold the nail sticker under the tip of the nail and remove the excess nail sticker with a nail file using downward movements
5. if you want to give a glossy finish to your manicure, or if you want a better protection for your nail stickers, just apply a topcoat 


  1. These are some fantastic looking stickers! I'm a huge fan of nail stickers and polish appliqués.

    1. I don't use nail stickers so often, but from time to time it's nice to try something new! :-)

  2. These decals look very nice, love this look!

    1. From time to time they are nice to try, but I prefer hand-made nail art! :-)

  3. Cool! I'm showing zebra today too! :D Got your mail! Grazie! So glad you liked the polishes! Can't wait to se them on you and what you will do with them!! :D

    1. Must be the telepathy! :-) I love your zebra! :-) Yes, I love the polishes, all of them and I hope I'll have some nice weather to be able to try them and make some nice photos! :-)

  4. odlične su <3
    sram me iti reći da kod mene još čekaju na prvo nošenje :(

    1. Sram me je reci da sam ti ih poslala pre nego sto sam ih i sama probala, pa se malo i kajem... u smislu, nekako mi se ove nalepnice ne cine nesto bog zna sta, ili to ja toliko malo koristim razne vrste nalepnica pa mi se cini da nikad nisu dovoljno dobre... :-)

    2. ma ne brigaj, svašta treba probat ;)
      ali super izgledaju, totalno glamurozno <3

    3. Dobro, mozda samo ja imam takav utisak jer nisam navikla da ih cesto koristim, a sto jeste - jeste, fino izgledaju :-)

  5. Nisam sigurna da sam i kod nas vidjela njihove naljepnice, ali mi se svidjaju ove :D

    1. Tada kada su se pojavile su mi onako slucajno privukle paznju i morala sam da ih probam :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Victoria! :-) I'm not really a person who likes nail stickers, but I wanted to try these... :-)

  7. Love how they look! :)

    1. I don't use nail stickers so often, but I liked these and I wanted to try them :-)


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