Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

04 December, 2012

My autumn Kiko polishes, Part One

I present to you the first part of my autumn Kiko polishes :-)

These polishes don't belong to any particular Kiko collection, I call them "autumn" polishes simply because their colours remind me of autumn :-)
They are not new, I bought them months ago and I've already used them in my nail art creations, but only now I'm showing you their swatches :-)

The polishes I show to you today are:
Kiko n° 303 Beige Chrome
Kiko n° 223 Pearly Copper
Kiko n° 374 Pearly Chocolate Noir

Photographs: outside in the sun. 
Two layers of nail polish, without top coat.

Do you like them? What's your favourite? :-)

Beige Chrome, Pearly Copper, Pearly Chocolate Noir

Kiko n° Beige Chrome

Kiko n° 223 Pearly Copper

Kiko n° 374 Pearly Chocolate Noir


  1. I haven't tried any Kiko polish, but I love the Chocolate one! :)

    1. I like dark colours, so Pearly Chocolate Noir is the one I enjoy more! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Anche a me, mi piacciono i colori più scuri.. :-)

  3. Great swatches! #374 is my favourite :)

    1. Thanks, Irina! :-) Yes, this is my kind of colour too! :-)

  4. prve dvije boje su wow! lajkam :)

    1. :-) Meni se najvise svidja treca tj. Pearly Chocolate Noir, ali ih sve rado koristim za nail art :-)

  5. I'm not really into this type of color myself, but they do look beautiful on you. n° 374 Pearly Chocolate Noir Is my favorite and I could wear that too :)

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) Pearly Chocolate Noir is my favourite because I like darker colours, but I use all of them for nail art creations! :-)

  6. Replies
    1. :-) The last one is my favourite, but I use them all! :-)

  7. Nisam bas fan ovakvih boja, od ove trojke bi samo ovaj zadnji cokoladni nosila

  8. Zelo zanimivo - v trgovini bi izbrala prvega in tretjega, drugega pa ne bi niti pogledala. Ampak na nohtih se mi pa zdi najbolj zanimiv, kaj pa vem! Mogoče zato, ker nimam nič kaj podobnega v zbirki in mi je zato bolj izviren. ;D

    1. Moj omiljeni je treci, ali svi su zanimljivi, posebno za kreacije nail art! :-)

  9. Il 374 è nei miei "da provare" mi hai fatto proprio venire voglia di metterlo!!

  10. Ok from this collection, the only one that is not me is the first. The other two are definitely in my NEEEEEED!!!! list now :-D
    And I think my most favorite one is the dark one

    1. When I think about nail art creations, I feel like I need every single colour that exists on planet Earth! :-) But, Pearly Chocolate Noir is my favourite! :-)


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