Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

20 January, 2015

Blackheart Nail Polish Primpin

I present to you the nail polish Blackheart Nail Polish Primpin that I got from my dear friend and nail art colleague Maria, blog Marias Nail Art and Polish Blog in my November nail mail from Denmark :-)

Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, without top coat.

Later today I will show you some simple nail art made on this beautiful nail polish :-)


  1. I'm note sure the quality is great in this polish, but I hope you like the bottle, that's why I sent it LOL

    1. I didn't have any problem with thi nail polish and the bottle is surely very original! :-)

  2. super je bojica, ali bočica ja zakon <3

  3. This is a really pretty purple and I love the bottle :-D

    1. Yes, it's a lovely purple and everybody loves the bottle :-)


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