Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

20 September, 2024

BornPretty review: Jelly Non Stick Hand Extension Nail Gel NSG32

Today I present you BornPretty Jelly Non Stick Hand Extension Nail Gel NSG32 that was kindly sent to me from BornPretty for this review :-)

You can find it on BornPretty website with this name: Jelly Non Stick Hand Extension Nail Gel 15ml, NSG32.

NSG32 is almost transparent pink jelly, but there are also other colours of Jelly Non Stick Hand Extension Nail Gel, so you just have to decide which one you like the most :-)

Jelly Non Stick Hand Extension Nail Gel comes in a 15ml plastic jar, it contains a large amount of gel, it is soft but not sticky, it is elastic and multifunctional. 
It can be used for different purposes: it's perfect for carving 3D nail art decorations, it can be mixed with glitter particles, it can be used as rhinestone glue gel and it can be used for nail extensions which is what I did today :-)

This is the procedure to follow if you would like to obtain the result that you can see on my photos bellow:
1. clean your nails and file the surface of your nails to remove the surface layer
2. apply UV gel base coat polish (I used BP UV gel base coat polish) and cure it 60 seconds in 120W UV LED lamp
3. choose the right dimension of nail tips mould
4. take a small amount of Jelly Non Stick Hand Extension Nail Gel and apply it on the nail tips mould, pressing with your finger until it extends evenly
5. put the nail tips mould with gel on your nail, make sure that it's attached nicely
6. cure it 60 seconds in 120W UV LED lamp
7. remove the nail tips mould 
8. shape your nail using your nail file to get the lenght and the shape you want
9. at this point you could proceed and create some interesting manicure on your extended nails, using normal nail polish or UV gel polish... :-) 

On my photos, you can see the results that I obtained using Jelly Non Stick Hand Extension Nail Gel NSG32 to extend my nails. 

On my first 2 photos here below you can see the "original" aspect of this gel, in its shiny, glossy version, and in following photos you can see it in matte version, after I treated it with BP UV matte top coat :-)

I like the result :-) 
What do you think about it? :-)

I remind you that BornPretty has a free shipping of all orders over $20, they ship worldwide, often they also make very nice offers too and, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my 10% off coupon code: MOONLIGHT10 o enter directly using this link: MOONLIGHT10 to get the 10% off on all your BornPretty orders! :-)

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