About a month ago I was contacted by Arina Ivanova, one of sales managers of MilvArt and I was happy to accept her offer and to get some of their products to try and to review :-)
Arina was so kind to help me to choose the products, she sent me all the explanations that I needed and also some very useful links where I could see tutorials how to use their products in the best way, to obtain the best results!
I use this opportunity to thank MilvArt for this beautiful opportunity they gave me, and above all Arina for her kindness and for all her help! :-)
MilvArt is a russian company from Saint-Petersburg that produces nail art products. On their website, in their catalog you can find water decals, rhinestones, nail stencils, tattoos, and soon there will also be some new nail wraps :-)
As I like all kinds of nail art, I was very interested in water decals, nail stencils and rhinestones, and browsing their website was such a pleasure, they have a big choice of various nail stencils, high quality rhinestones of all dimensions and colours, and so many water decals that the only problem is how to choose "only" 10 or 15 of them and get them as sample products!
Believe me, it's not easy at all, they offer some really amazing patterns and designs, black & white, gold & silver, animal patterns, multicolored, floral patterns...! :-)
Take some time to browse their website, I assure you that you will find a lot of beautiful products that you like! :-)
You can find MilvArt here:
MilvArt website
MilvArt YouTube channel
MilvArt instagram
MilvArt facebook
Today I'm showing you all the products that I chose, water decals and stencils that I liked most and also two manicures that I made using two beautiful water decals! :-)
MilvArt nail art stencils and water decals |
MilvArt nail stencils |
MilvArt water decals |
MilvArt water decals on full nail |
T105 |
T94 |
S338 |
F149 |
F152 |
F116 |
F120 |
F148 |
J145p |
N736p |
N589 |
N598p |
J174 |
J183 |
N523 |
N857 |
N884 |
N899 |
MilvArt water decals can be used with normal nail polish and also with UV gel polish. Until now I used water decals from time to time, but I've never tried water decals with UV gel polish. As in last months I use UV gel polishes a lot, I decided to give it a try! :-)
I felt a little bit unconfident with myself, like every time that I decide to try something new, but I have to say that I all the procedure went smoothly, I didn't have any problem and I was very happy with the results! :-)
MilvArt water decals are high quality water decals, they are not too hard, not too delicate, they have the right resistance that allows you to manage them on your nail until you fix them in the right position, but they are soft enough to adapt nicely to the shape of your nail.
Every possible small wrinkle disappears after protecting your manicure with the final layer of UV gel top coat! :-)
Here is the procedure how to make a water decal manicure with UV gel polish:
1. apply UV gel base coat, cure 2 minutes in UV lamp
2. apply UV gel white polish, cure 2 minutes in UV lamp (repeat to get the complete coverage of the nail surface)
3. prepare water decal, cutting it with nail scissors
4. apply a thin layer of UV gel top coat, do not cure it in UV lamp!
5. put water decal in water 5-10 seconds
6. dry water decal on a napkin
7. transfer water decal on non cured top coat, apply it and smooth it
8. remove the excess water decal on the edges with nail file
9. cure in UV lamp, only 10-15 seconds, to fix water decal
10. apply UV gel top coat, cure 2 minutes in UV lamp
You can also follow MilvArt video tutorial Full nail under gel polish, I find it very useful! :-)
As a conclusion, I strongly recommend MilvArt water decals, for their high quality, easy application and amazing patterns that are definitely very eye-catching, and that give us the opportunity to wear a real pieces of art on our nails..! :-)
These water decals also have a very reasonable price and MilvArt has a world wide delivery, so no matter where you live, MilvArt can reach you! :-)
Here are my manicures with two of MilvArt water decals that I got, I hope you like them as much as I do! :-)
In next days and weeks "stay tuned", follow my posts, I have a lot of beautiful new MilvArt products to show you! :-)
MilvArt water decals N 589
MilvArt water decal N 857

Ajme ženo koliki su ti nokti 😍
ReplyDeleteMislim da nikad na blogu nisi imala ovako duge, bas su krasni. Moram malo slinit nad njima jer sam opet u kratkoj fazi, cak su popodne neki noktici platili danak montazi radnog stola 😉
A naljepnice su bas krasne, one tirkizne s dizajnom kamena su mi prve upale u oci premda ni ostatak ne izgleda lose. Pred neki dan sam nosila naljepnice preko gela i nisu se bas proslavile. Doduse, radila sam s njima kao da su na obicnom laku pa mozda zato. Obavezno probam ovako kako si rekla. Hvala na savjetu 😚
Nokte sam malo produzila Ebrand gelom (prikazan u aprilu na mom blogu), a posto sam bila dve nedelje na godisnjem odmoru i ovi moji "prirodni" nokti su narasli... Samo mi se sada "osladila" ova duzina noktiju, pa daj da iskoristim priliku i da lepo iskoristim i prikazem ove nove water decals :-)
DeleteOvo je prvi put da probam water decals u kombinaciji sa UV gelom, sledila sam uputstvo koje sam pronasla u MilvArt videu koji sam naznacila u tekstu, doslovno sam sledila sve kako su prikazali, i stvarno nisam imala nikakvih problema, vrlo sam zadovoljna i kvalitetom water decal nalepnica i rezultatima! :-)
Divni manikiri, izgledaju svetski! Ni ja ne bih znala koje da odaberem! :-)
ReplyDeleteIzbor je stvarno veliki, tesko je ograniciti se... Ovi su bili moj prvi izbor, water decals koji su mi se najvise svideli :-)
DeleteWow, a lot of beautiful decals! I'm curious how will the stencils work :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :-) Yes, I can't wait to try the stencils too, it will be interesting! :-)
DeleteAmazing decals! The second manicure is gorgeous! :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :-) Yes, these water decals are really amazing, I love all of them! :-)
DeleteThe decals look unique and they are simply amazing on the nails. All patterns are fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Andrea! :-) Yes, these water decals are really amazing, the only problem is that it's soooo difficult to choose only few of them...! :-)
DeleteI completely agree with Manases Andrea. Wonderful and very unique decals. Your nails are looking fabulous. Can't take my eyes off. <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :-) I assure you that all the credit has to be given to MilvArt water decals, they are gorgeous and very easy to use, so all of us can have beautiful manicures whenever we want! :-)