Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

06 January, 2015

BPS review Stamping plates BP-09 and BP-11 - White stamped flowers on purple/pink gradient and White geometric stamping manicure on blue jeaned

I got these beautiful stamping plates from Born Pretty Store

The first one is BP-09, you can find it on BPS website with this name: Mix Patterns Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate Born Pretty 09, item ID: 16856

The second one is BP-11, you can find it on BPS website with this name: Radiating Patterns Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate Born Pretty 11, item ID: 17256

Mixed Patterns stamping plate BP-09 has four big and six small patterns. I adore floral manicures, so the first pattern that I used is floral pattern... well, it could also look like a "six leave clover" pattern :-) I also like small patterns and I am sure they will be very useful to make some interesting accent manicures :-)

Radiating Patterns stamping plate BP-11 is the mix of various radiating geometrical patterns. There are four big patterns, for my manicure I used the pattern that looks to me like some kind of flower, but also the radiating circles, stars and hearts are very interesting and eye-catching :-) There are also four small patterns and I particularly like small cute hearts :-) I'm very sattisfied with this stamping plate because the patterns transfered to the nails are really very clear :-)

Both stamping plates are engraved deeply enough to get perfect patterns and transfer them on your nails without problems! :-) That's very important characteristic of all new Born Pretty Store stamping plates (BP-...) and I confirm it for these two stamping plates that I'm presenting you today :-)

I strongly recommend these two stamping plates because they are full of beautiful patterns, you can make a lot of awesome nail art creations with them, they are high quality products and the price is very affordable too! :-)

And, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91, to get the 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders! :-)

Here are my manicures, I hope you will like them as much as I do! :-) 
Please, feel free to leave your comments and feedback and tell me about your own experiences with these plates! Also, all your comments and suggestions about stamping, stamping plates, stamping nail polishes are really very welcome! :-)

Happy stamping! :-)

White stamped flowers on purple/pink gradient

acrylic colours
white stamping nail polish
Kiko 3 in 1 Mat fortifying fast dry base/top coat

White geometric stamping manicure on blue jeaned

white stamping nail polish
Kiko 3 in 1 Mat fortifying fast dry base/top coat


  1. You created two really gorgeous manis - both with excellent stamping!

    1. Thank you, dear Maria! :-) I noticed that I started enjoying also stamping and I'm happy with the results :-)

  2. I need these plates in my life, the patterns are simple and cute. Love the manicures you've made with them!

    1. Thank you, Andrea :-) I think you need all new Born Pretty Store plates, it's really difficult to choose only 2-3 of them :-)

  3. Thank you, Chilli! :-) I was very happy how it came out! :-)

  4. Both of these looks amazing! You've done so well here - love them :-D

    1. Thank you, Ananka :-) I'm happy how these plates "worked" and I really like the results :-)

  5. prva mi je slatka, ali druga puno više po mom ukusu... odličan stamping <3

  6. I love them both, but I just LOVE how the first one comes together!

    1. Thank you, Kas! I tried to do some kind of acrylic colours gradient and I kept the stamping simple, white, I just added the dots in the center of flowers :-)

  7. Che belle entrambe le stampe! E come ti viene bene il bianco, è quello Konad?

    1. Grazie, Simona! :-)
      Sì, il bianco è un piccolissimo Konad che ho avuto tanto tempo fa, mi sembra che si trattava di un set di 3 smalti piccini piccini (blu, rosso e bianco), una stamping plate, stamper e scrapper che sono rimasti a raccogliere la polvere in un angolino del cassetto di Helmer... :-)
      Al momento sto aspettando che mi arrivino gli smalti per lo stamping da Born Pretty Store (i nuovi che hanno iniziato a vendere poco tempo fa), non li ho presi prima, spero di trovarmi bene :-)
      In verità, non ho proprio nessuno smalto fatto proprio per lo stamping tranne il piccino Konad e mi aspetta una bella ricerca, devo trovare quali smalti di quelli che ho nella mia collezione funzionano bene per lo stamping...
      Quelli che dovrebbero funzionare bene sono i metallici, purtroppo, non mi piacciono tanto e ho solo 1-2 pezzi... Ho visto che potrebbero andare 2 NYC (silver e golden) e anche alcuni smalti Deborah Sense Tech 100% Mat che si sono mostrati abbastanza buoni...
      Qualsiasi consiglio è davvero benvenuto, grazie! :-)

  8. Hi Tanja,
    Both manicures are great, I love your gradient.

  9. falilo mi je ovo tvoje cvijece <3 a plavac je popravljen dodacima :D

    1. Ovo ipak nije "moje" cvece, odstampano je... Ali, bice ponovo i mog cveca :-)


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