I present to you the nail polish Models Own Purple Passion that I got from my dear friend and nail art colleague Maria, blog Marias Nail Art and Polish Blog in my Nail mail from Denmark :-)

Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...
14 August, 2014
Models Own Purple Passion
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I don't own any Models Own polish, but this one caught my attention very much!
ReplyDeleteI think I have 2 or 3 of Models Own polishes, I got all of them from my blog-friends :-)
DeleteNon conosco la marca, ma il colore è bellissimo :)
ReplyDeleteHo 2 o 3 smalti Models Own, ma non li ho comprati qui, li ho avuti dalle mie blog-amiche :-)
DeleteIt looks really pretty on you, I cannot wait to see what you painted on it :D
ReplyDeleteThank you, Maria, I like it :-)
DeleteWhat a pretty purple polish! Looks good on you :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't own many MO polishes but I've been quite tempted by the recent candy scented ones! :-)
I own only 2-3 Models Own polishes got from my blog-friends, I don't have the possibility to buy them here... Yes, this one is really pretty :-)
Deletesuper lakić, jaaaako me podsjeća na jedan catrice... kojem se sad nemrem sjetit imena :/
ReplyDeleteI meni se dopada, zamerka mi je samo to sto sam morala dobro da se potrudim, ne maze se bas fino, nekako vuce na guscu stranu i bas sam se borila da ga "izjednacim" na noktima... Ali dobro, nekako sam uspela, a i onako sam morala nesto na njemu dodati, nije mogao ostati tako sam na noktu :-)