Born Pretty Store Tribal Colours Frosted Matte Glossy Nail Polish n° 18
Acrylic colours
round neon nail art studs
China Glaze Matte Magic top coat

Acrylic colours
round neon nail art studs
China Glaze Matte Magic top coat
You feel sleep, you are relaxed, when I snap my fingers you fall deep into your mind, changes the parts that do not like red polish and only slightly is getting used to Pastel yellow - and when I snap my fingers again, you will feel the urge to buy all the red and pastel yellow polishes in the world ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, that was because the mani reminds me of hypnosis - I love it a lot, so pretty!
:-) Dear Maria, you need deep, deep, very deep hypnosis to make me start loving yellow and red the way you love them, I think it's "mission impossible" :-) Buuuut, I have to admit that I DO like pastel yellows and that's your "fault", you and your pastel yellow swatches.. :-) About red, I already said and wrote everything... I love only deep dark shades of red! :-)
DeleteSo cute :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Christina! :-)
DeleteI love this so much!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Stephanie! :-)
Deletewonderful! the circles are so perfectly even! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mari! :-) I already tried something similar, but this time I'm happy how it turned out! :-)
DeleteWOW!!! This is amazing!!! How? How could you make it this gorgeous?
ReplyDeleteMy dots are never this level, they are never this small and I cannot create a true perfect round circle with them. This is simply brilliant!!!
Hi, Jin! :-) Did I mention that these are stickers? :-) Noooo, I'm just kidding, these are not stickers... It's just this: I love dots so much and I was patient enough... :-)
DeleteI already tried something like this and I experienced the same thing, my circles were not real circles, my dots were not the same size... It's not perfect neither this time, but I'm happy how it turned out! :-)
Psihodelija OoOoOoOoOoO :P svidja mi se ovo samo opet ne znam kako si imala strpljenja za ovoliko tockica
ReplyDeletePa, to ti je ovako nekako islo: pocela sam sa dva akcent nokta, sa po tri tackasta kruga, onda mi se svidelo i odlucila sam da sve nokte tako ukrasim... Onda mi nije bilo dosta pa sam dodala po jos jedan krug na svaki nokat, pa jos jedan... I na kraju sam "tackala" po noktu na palcu sve dok je bilo prostora... Generalno, svidjaju mi se tackice i ovaj put su mi dosta uredno ispale, pa sam "istrajala"! :-)
DeleteMa è davvero bellissima!!! Devi averci messo un sacco di tempo e pazienza ma il risultato finale è strabiliante. Eccellente anche la scelta dei colori. :)
ReplyDeleteGrazie, Cristina! :-) Ho iniziato con due accent unghie e soltanto tre cerchi, mi è piaciuto l'effetto e ho deciso di decorare così tutte le unghie... Poi, però, questo non mi è bastato, così ho aggiunto ancora due cerchi su ogni unghia e ho continuato a disegnare sull'unghia del pollice fino a quando non l'ho completamente riempito...! A dire il vero, anche prima ho provato una manicure così, ma soltanto adesso sono davvero contenta di come è riuscita! :-)
DeleteThese are sooooo cool Tanja! You must have the worlds greatest patience ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jezzica! :-) For me, the result is worth all the patience, I love this manicure! :-)
Delete...complimenti...nail art spettacolare!!!!!!
Grazie, Lu! :-)
DeleteThese are amazing! The dots are... mindblowing!! I love it matte :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :-)
Deletehipno manikura ;)
ReplyDeletepredivno... šta drugo da ti kažem, znam da sam već dosadna i ponavljam se :D
Hvala! :-) U pravu si, jeste malo "hipno"! :-)
DeleteOh wow!!! Fantastic design! <3
ReplyDeleteThank you, Irina! :-)
DeleteVery beautiful!!! Great Job :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :-)
DeleteWow these are great, you have some serious talent with a dotting tool!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Vicky! :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Victoria! :-) I agree, I love this manicure! :-)