Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

31 May, 2014

Born Pretty Store review: Shimmer colorful 3mm half pearls - Geometric pearls manicure

This beautiful set of shimmer colorful half pearls was kindly offered to me from Born Pretty Store for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name: Nail Art Decoration Set 3mm Shimmer Colorful Half Pearls, item ID: 6067

This is a multi colour set of half pearls with flat backing, so they can easily be applied on nail surface. There are 12 different colours of half pearls, the colours match the picture colours on website link. The size of these half pearls is about 3 mm. They can be applied on real nails or on acrylic nails.

Applying these half pearls is very easy. You can use a moisturized manicure stick to pick up a half pearl and then put it on nail polish that is still wet or on a drop of top coat. Repeat with other half pearls until you finish the design and cover entire nail with top coat. 
So, they are really easy to work with, they are cute and very pretty! :-)

Of course, there are many ways to use these beautiful half pearls, you can create various geometric shapes, hearts, flowers, or you can use them as details to embellish your nail art manicure, it's up to your imagination. 

Here is my manicure, I hope you like it! :-)

Kiko n° 525 Metallic Pastel Blue
NYC n° 119 City Blackout
shimmer colorful 3mm half pearls
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat

Have you tried half pearls before? What do you think of them?  

If you still don't have any, you can try these, you can find this beautiful and interesting set of shimmer colorful half pearls at Born Pretty Store

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.


  1. This is cool, I like what you've done with the contrast in colours on each nail! They look like they are really good and have a great selection of colours too :-)

    1. Thank you, Ananka! :-) Yes, the colours of these half pearls are beautiful! :-)

  2. They are too big for me, but I like the contrasting pattern you created :)

    1. They are a little bit bigger (3mm), but they are not sharp so they don't create problems :-) There is also smaller version, I have them too :-)

  3. I have a pack of pink half pearls somewhere in the nail art box, but I haven't tried them yet. Now I think I should :) I like the pattern you did, it's quite large but because of the matching colors it looks good :)

    1. Thank you, Mari! :-) Yes, these half pearls are a little bit bigger, but I wanted to have them; I also have a set of smaller half pearls and a set of very small half pearls, so I can make interesting combinations :-) Maybe these half pearls would look better if I put them in the center of flowers, but this time I wanted to make something different and that's how this manicure was born :-)

  4. meni se baš nešto i ne sviđaju, čine mi se prevelikima

    1. Jesu malo vece, ali morala sam da izmislim nesto drugacije pa je ispalo ovo. Inace, ono sto ja obicno radim sa perlicama, rhinestones-ma i slicno je to da ih stavim u centar cvetica, pa tako ne izgledaju mnogo veliki... :-) Osim toga, imam i verziju slicnih perlica samo mnogo sitnijih, bice objavljena ovih dana :-)

    2. dali bi se iskoristiti na kakvim špagericama ili patikama ;)

    3. Iskljucujem to kao mogucnost :-) Spagerice nemam, a patike su mi iskljucivo vrlo sportske :-)

  5. Imam te perlice i baš su mi super, iako ih do sad nisam toliko stavila na nokat :)
    Baš sam ih jučer izvukla vanka da isprobam jednu vjenčanu manikuru...

    1. Ove su malo vece, a imam i manju verziju perlica koje su dobre i za manje nokte :-)

  6. Nisam ovako nesto probavala, al ne izgleda lose iako nisam sigurna koliko bih ja nosila tako nesto

    1. Za jedan dan nosenja moze da prodje, mada je moja ideja da ove ukrase iskoristim tako sto cu ih stavljati u centar cvetica... :-)


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