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14 August, 2013

Born Pretty Store Review: Leather strap DIY bracelet with dazzling metal rhinestones

This beautiful bracelet was kindly offered to me from Born Pretty Store for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name Fashion Simple Dazzling Metal Rhinestone DIY Bracelet, item ID: 6650.

The bracelet has a leather strap, it'ss 22 cm long, 2 cm wide and it weights only 2 g, so it's really light as a feather! There are 17 colours available. 

You can choose one or more dazzling metal rhinestone decorations to create your bracelet, but the choice might not be easy because there are 148 various rhinestone decorations, letters, numbers, signs of the zodiac, hearts, flowers... :-)

I chose the silver leather strap and my zodiac sign rhinestone, cancer :-) 

If you like this leather strap dazzling metal rhinestone bracelet, you can find it at Born Pretty Store

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.


  1. It looks very cool. I just can't get used to wearing bracelets. I even hardly wear watches :p

    1. On my working place I simply can't wear anything, but I like watches and bracelets :-)

  2. odavno sam se odvikla narukvica... čak i sat nosim na prstenu ;)

    1. :-) Ja ih nikako ne smem nositi na poslu, ogroman je rizik da se pokidaju i ostete... Inace, u "privatnom zivotu" mnogo volim satove i neke zanimljive narukvice :-)

  3. I saw this advertised and thought it would be too Gawdy but it actually is fairly understated; thanks for sharing!

    1. It's not too gaudy, I think it's perfect for these summer days! :-)

  4. Replies
    1. :-) Slatka je za ove letnje dane :-) Ura za sve racice! :-)

  5. Very pretty bracelet! and it goes perfectly with your mani!

    1. Thank you, Natalia! :-) I think the bracelet is perfect for these summer days! :-)

  6. meh ^_^ a i nisam bas tip od narukvica

    1. Uzivo fino izgleda, vrlo zanimljivo i ne previse napadno! :-)

  7. Cool bracelet! I'm a cancer too (I know you already know this :) )

    1. Yes, I know you're a cancer too! :-) I think that this bracelet is perfect for the summer! :-)

  8. Cute bracelet!


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