Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

08 August, 2013

Acrylic colours marble rhombus

Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat
Half pearls

And here is a photo of the same manicure, I just added some half pearls :-)


  1. zanimljiva manikura, super izgleda :)

  2. Wow che belle! originali e ben fatte, mi piacciono parecchio.
    Sei sempre bravissima ^_^

    1. Grazie! :-) è stato solo un piccolo gioco con i colori acrilici :-)

  3. predivno je, tako su ti uredne linije.

  4. How wonderful!! How did you do the marbling?

    1. Thank you, Jezzica! :-) This manicure was made using only acrylic colours and it was like a little experiment! :-) First I made some kind of marble manicure on all the nails surface: I put some little drops of acrylic colours watered down, then I mixed them with my dotting tool until I got the marble effect I desired (you can't go wrong, I think it always looks good; and if not, you can easily clean up and start again). I let it dry completely. Then I used white acrylic colour to draw the "frame" and left the marble rhombus in the center.
      I wait to see your version! :-)

  5. Aww, this is gorgeous - I love everything about it!!

  6. hm, moram samo malo prigovorit na izbor boje :P

    1. Jao, kako da izadjem na kraj sa tobom? :-) Evo, danas objavljujem jedan plavi lak, a u subotu i jedan lep manikir na njemu! :-)

    2. Samnom na kraj? nikako :D ali plavi lakovi pomazu ;)

    3. Dobro, nece mi biti tesko da se skoncentrisem na plavce! :-)

  7. Oh wow! ^_^ You're so talented!!

  8. This is so neat!!! I always love what you come up with :)

  9. ma pusti lendoxiu, ne zna ona šta su lipe boje ;)
    krasna mi je ova manikura, fantastične boje u sredini... i više mi se sviđa bez perlice :D

    1. Hvala! :-) Moze ovo lako da se izvede i u nekoj drugoj boji... :-) Nadrljale smo i ti i ja kada nas Lendoxia dohvati, ima da nas ofarba u plavo...! :-)


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