Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

18 February, 2013

Light pastel blue liquid sand manicure

I've seen many swatches of liquid sand polishes from OPI's last collection lately. I really like them, but I still don't have any of them...  
So, I was pleasantly surprised to see that some girls tried to make a "home-made" version of liquid sand manicure :-) 
You can see a step by step tutorial made by Spektor's Nails in her post Tutorial: DIY Liquid Sand Nails and a beautiful version made by Missadelinne in her post Liquid Sand.

Of course, I wanted to try it too :-)  
My choice was a pastel blue nail polish and blue glitter powder and I followed the instructions in Spektor's Nails tutorial. I was satisfied with the result and the day that I wore this manicure I kept on looking at my nails and touching them over and over again :-)
I have to write also that it looked better in real life than on my photos :-)

Here is my "home-made" liquid sand manicure :-) What do you think? :-)

Kiko n° 386 Light Pastel Blue
Glitter powder
Rimmel Matte Finish top coat


  1. WoOOOoWWW that IS pretty - SO pretty!!

    1. Thank you, Maria, I'm glad you like it! :-) It's something really particular, I would really like to try one of "original" liquid sand polishes :-)

  2. oni opici su mi bas divni, a svidja mi se i ova tvoja verzija

    1. Jedva cekam da se "docepam" jednog OPI liquid sand lakica, a u medjuvremenu moze i ovo da prodje :-) I onako sam slabo koristila taj glitterasti prah... :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanki you, Elizabeth! :-) I think I will try again with some other colour! :-)

  4. It looks gorgeous! <3

    1. I tried to make my own "liquid sand" effect and it looks OK, but I can't wait to have the real "liquid sand" nail polish! :-) Kiko made a new collection, it's called "sugar mat" (should be the same as liquid sand), but they still don't have it in my Kiko store, I hope they will come soon :-)

  5. Uf, tole je pa noro lepo in noro dober približek liquid sand finiša!!! =)) S tem, da tu potrebuješ še veliko potrpljenja z bleščicami, ki frčijo povsod okoli. ;) Meni je Gašper kupil rdečega OPI-ja in mi je ta finiš zelo všeč tudi na nohtih. Če bodo te OPI-ji kaj znižani, ti priporočam, da preskusiš še enega od njih, komaj pa čakam na fotke Sugar mat Kikotov. ;))

    1. Nije bilo bas toliko tesko raditi sa tim glitterom, jeste da leti svugde okolo, ali sam ga posle toga lako sakupila i sacuvala za sledeci manikir :-) Jedva cekam da probam jedan "originalni" liquid sand lak, ovih dana idem ponovo u moju prodavnicu Kiko, nadam se da cu ih pronaci! :-)

    2. Ooooo, glej tooo: =))
      Prvih 8 mi ni všeč, ker so "krem", drugih 8 mi je pa krasnih zaradi bleščic. Komaj čakam, da vidim katerega še na tvojih nohtkih. ;))

    3. Vec sam to videla pre par dana.... :-) A moram da ti priznam da sam juce bila u prodavnici Kiko i rezultat je sledeci: 1 "sugar mat" Kiko lak mi je poklonio Claudio, a ja sam sama sebi kupila jos 2 :-) Sva tri pripadaju drugoj grupi, onoj koja se i tebi vise dopada, a u pitanju su 644 Sea Blue (da li je moglo da prodje bez njega? naravno da nije!), 645 Burgundy (...mnogo je lep!) i 646 Starry Black (on je bio moj prvi izbor!) :-)

    4. Jap, izbrala si tiste, ki so tudi meni najlepši! Zanimiv mi je pa še 641. :) <3 Komaj čakam, da jih vidim. =))

    5. Da, ona prva grupa mi se ni uzivo nije bas nesto specijalno dopala, a u ovoj drugoj grupi su svi jako lepi :-)

  6. What a clever idea!!!! I will have to try it too now ;-)

    1. These days I bought a real liquid sand nail polish, Kiko collection, but it was really interesting trying to create the liquid sand effect with this glitter! :-)


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