Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

02 February, 2013

Bead lines pink manicure

Kiko n° 376 Candy Pink
Kiko n° 377 Apple Blossom
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. They're so pretty! The beads must have taken such a steady hand too. They look awesome!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! :-) The truth? I never have problems with placing beads, I always got them where I want them to be... :-) I have problems with losing them when I'm working and once I had a huge problem that some of the beads I had started releasing their colour when I put the top coat on... so my manicure got ruined...

  2. svaka čast na strpljenju, trebalo je ovo složit... ili si samo dreknila na njih: u red vojsko, a oni poslušali ;)
    vidim roza ti se baš svidjela... i meni je, ne bih imala ništa protiv gledat je u još par idućih manikura :D

    1. Ma, ove moje mini perlice su vec naucile same da se sloze, ja im samo zvizducem neku veselu melodiju i one krenu iz plasticne kutijice da se penju po noktu... :-) Eh, kad bi tako moglo! :-) Ali, ne bunim se, moje mini perlice i ja se dobro slazemo, samo jos da neke od njih nauce da ne smeju da pustaju boju kada im stavim top coat... i bice super! :-)
      Roza, roza... cekaj da vidim... nema vise... Sad malo menjamo boje.. :-)

  3. This is totally cool, I love it so much - beautiful and eye catching-ly elegant!

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) I like playing with beads and I always love the result, although they can't last long on my nails :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lydz! :-) I like to play with beads! :-)

  5. opet ti s necim njeznim i pazljivo slozenim, svidja mi se ova roza koja je na akcentima

    1. Pa da, volim da se igram sa ovim perlicama... A i ta roza na akcent noktima nije lose, malcice je "jaca" od ove druge roza boje... :-)

  6. Wow! You have a lot of patience to do this manicure. It looks absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Rina! :-) The truth is that I like playing with beads and somehow I don't have much problems to put them where I want them to be! :-)

  7. This is so cute! And everything (colors of nail polishes and beads) makes a perfect match! :)

    1. Thank you, Irina! :-) Yes, I tried to match all the colours and I liked the final result! :-)

  8. Oh wow! What an excellent idea for the little beads!!!

    1. Thank you, Jin! :-) Lately I really enjoy working with beads! :-)

  9. So pretty! This must have taken forever.

    1. Thank you! :-) It didn't last too long, and lately I enjoy very much working with beads! I like the final effect so much! :-)


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