
29 September, 2013

Concentric dot circles

Born Pretty Store Tribal Colours Frosted Matte Glossy Nail Polish n° 18
Acrylic colours
round neon nail art studs
China Glaze Matte Magic top coat


  1. You feel sleep, you are relaxed, when I snap my fingers you fall deep into your mind, changes the parts that do not like red polish and only slightly is getting used to Pastel yellow - and when I snap my fingers again, you will feel the urge to buy all the red and pastel yellow polishes in the world ;)
    Oh, that was because the mani reminds me of hypnosis - I love it a lot, so pretty!

    1. :-) Dear Maria, you need deep, deep, very deep hypnosis to make me start loving yellow and red the way you love them, I think it's "mission impossible" :-) Buuuut, I have to admit that I DO like pastel yellows and that's your "fault", you and your pastel yellow swatches.. :-) About red, I already said and wrote everything... I love only deep dark shades of red! :-)

  2. wonderful! the circles are so perfectly even! :)

    1. Thank you, Mari! :-) I already tried something similar, but this time I'm happy how it turned out! :-)

  3. WOW!!! This is amazing!!! How? How could you make it this gorgeous?
    My dots are never this level, they are never this small and I cannot create a true perfect round circle with them. This is simply brilliant!!!

    1. Hi, Jin! :-) Did I mention that these are stickers? :-) Noooo, I'm just kidding, these are not stickers... It's just this: I love dots so much and I was patient enough... :-)
      I already tried something like this and I experienced the same thing, my circles were not real circles, my dots were not the same size... It's not perfect neither this time, but I'm happy how it turned out! :-)

  4. Psihodelija OoOoOoOoOoO :P svidja mi se ovo samo opet ne znam kako si imala strpljenja za ovoliko tockica

    1. Pa, to ti je ovako nekako islo: pocela sam sa dva akcent nokta, sa po tri tackasta kruga, onda mi se svidelo i odlucila sam da sve nokte tako ukrasim... Onda mi nije bilo dosta pa sam dodala po jos jedan krug na svaki nokat, pa jos jedan... I na kraju sam "tackala" po noktu na palcu sve dok je bilo prostora... Generalno, svidjaju mi se tackice i ovaj put su mi dosta uredno ispale, pa sam "istrajala"! :-)

  5. Ma è davvero bellissima!!! Devi averci messo un sacco di tempo e pazienza ma il risultato finale è strabiliante. Eccellente anche la scelta dei colori. :)

    1. Grazie, Cristina! :-) Ho iniziato con due accent unghie e soltanto tre cerchi, mi è piaciuto l'effetto e ho deciso di decorare così tutte le unghie... Poi, però, questo non mi è bastato, così ho aggiunto ancora due cerchi su ogni unghia e ho continuato a disegnare sull'unghia del pollice fino a quando non l'ho completamente riempito...! A dire il vero, anche prima ho provato una manicure così, ma soltanto adesso sono davvero contenta di come è riuscita! :-)

  6. These are sooooo cool Tanja! You must have the worlds greatest patience ;)

    1. Thank you, Jezzica! :-) For me, the result is worth all the patience, I love this manicure! :-)

  7. ...complimenti...nail art spettacolare!!!!!!

  8. These are amazing! The dots are... mindblowing!! I love it matte :)

  9. hipno manikura ;)
    predivno... šta drugo da ti kažem, znam da sam već dosadna i ponavljam se :D

  10. Oh wow!!! Fantastic design! <3

  11. Wow these are great, you have some serious talent with a dotting tool!

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you, Victoria! :-) I agree, I love this manicure! :-)


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