
28 September, 2013

Born Pretty Store Review: Tribal Candy Color Frosted Matte Glossy Nail Polish n° 18

This beautiful nail polish was kindly offered to me from Born Pretty Store for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name 1pc 12ml Tribal Candy Color Frosted Matte Glossy Nail Polish Varnish, item ID: 7157.  

The nail polish comes in a 12 ml bottle and I liked the fact that the bottle looks cute :-) It does not contain toluene, formaldehyde, acetone type solvent, DBP and other carcinogenic substances. 

There are 20 different colours and they are all beautiful. This one was sent to me for my honest review, but I'm already thinking about ordering at least 2-3 other colours too :-)

I didn't have any problem during the application and I needed 2 coats for a complete opacity. The smell of this nail polish is slightly different from the smell of other nail polishes that I have, so it felt a little bit strange at the beginning, but it didn't last long. 

I experienced longer drying time than I'm used to, maybe also because I didn't put any fast drying top coat, which this matte nail polish doesn't need... But, I think I can easily "forgive" this fact and allow some more drying time to this beauty! :-)

Yes, I definitely need some other colours! :-)

Have you tried these nail polishes before? What do you think of them?

If you still haven't tried them, you can find this beautiful BPS Tribal Colours nail polishes at Born Pretty Store

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.


  1. It is extremely pretty - but slow drying time is a no go for me...

    1. I think that I can survive it, I like the colour and the effect so much! :-)

  2. The bottle is so cute! and I like the color on you, the matte effect makes it special :)

    1. I love matte effect, so I think I really need some other colour :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Bilo je tesko odabrati samo jednu boju, ima ih bar jos 5 iz iste kolekcije koje bih volela da imam... :-)

  4. This is a lovely shade; can't wait to see what you will do with this!

    1. Yes, it is lovely :-) With this kind of shade you can do anything :-) I did some dots :-)

  5. izgleda skroz mekano i squishy svidja mi se boja :D

    1. U pravu si, izgleda mekano i squishy... Jesi li videla ostale boje, ima ih bas finih...! :-)

  6. genijalna bojica, oduševljena sam <3

    1. I meni se mnogo dopada, i ova bojica i lak generalno :-)

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, it really is! :-) Did you see the other colours? They are all beautiful, I think I want some more of them! :-)

  8. I never used to like matte, but I'm totally in love with this!

    1. It really looks beautiful and I love matte, so it's perfect for me! :-)


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