Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

19 November, 2014

Crazy dots autumn skittlette manicure or Rodger Schultz vision of Jackson Pollock on Prozac... in brown

Few months ago I found some paintings of Rodger Schultz, a professional visual fine artist from Washington D.C., working under the pen name "RAS." 
I got the inspiration for this manicure when I saw his collection JPOP/Jackson Pollock on Prozac, "a whimsical and tedious take on how Jackson Pollock would have painted if they had Prozac in the 1940's" :-)

I hope you like it! :-)

Shaka Neutral Candle
Rimmel Matte Finish mattifying top coat


  1. Lovely inspiration pictures and a great mani. Love the retro touch of it!

  2. Really nice and I like it a lot. It looks good matte :-)

    1. Thank you, Ananka :-) Lately I love matte finish :-)

  3. Ovo je prekrasno. Tonovi, tačkice, skitlette... Sve.

  4. Hi Tanja,
    Beautiful pattern, it must take a lot of time to do all these dots.

    1. Thank you, Catherine :-) Dots are fun and it doesn't take too much time to make something like this :-)

  5. Ho visto prima la versione in blu, ma devo dire che anche questa marrone è bella!

    1. Grazie, Simona! :-) Prima ho fatto questa versione marrone solo su 2 unghie, poi mi sono sbizzarrita e la versione blu l'ho fatta su tutte le unghie! :-)

  6. vidjela sam već plavu verziju, i moram priznati da mi se plava mrvicu više sviđa :D

    1. :-) Ja plavu boju obozavam, ali ovog puta vise mi se dopada braon verzija, mozda sam nju prvu uradila pa mi je draza.. :-)

    2. mogu ja samo potpisat zanu :D XD

    3. Plava nam je uvek nekako pri srcu :-)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is gorgeous. Any chance of a step-by-step tutorial, please, and could you tell me where I can buy these nail polishes that you used?

    1. Thank you, Christine! :-) I don't have as much free time as I would like, so until now I haven't made any tutorial, but I hope in future I will :-)
      To get this look, basically, after putting the base nail polish in some light colour, you draw big dots (using dotting tools or using nail art brushes) in dark colour and then you just continue drawing always smaller dots in big dots, alternating dark and light colours :-)

      As you are "new" in nail art world and if you still haven't got dotting tools, I can recommend you Born Pretty Store dotting tool sets: or, they are very affordable and they work perfectly :-)

      Kiko is an italian brand of nail polishes, as I live in Italy I buy them in my local Kiko nail polish and cosmetic store, I really don't know where you can buy them in Tasmania/Australia, there could be some international seller that works with Kiko :-)


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