Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

20 August, 2014

Blue holographic Born Pretty Store nail polish

I bought this beautiful nail polish at Born Pretty Store. You can find it on their web site with this name Born Pretty Holographic Holo Glitter Nail Polish Varnish Hologram Effect 10#item ID: 6408

This nail polish comes in a 6 ml bottle and this is the only negative thing that I can tell about Born Pretty Store holographic nail polishes - the bottle is too small for this beauty! :-) 

There are many other very nice looking colours in the same collection. My first choice was the dark green, the next one was the purple one and I was really happy that I decided to buy also the blue one, I really like it a lot :-) 

I didn't have any problem during the application, this holo nail polish applies smooth and easy and with two coats I got a complete opacity :-)
Also the drying time was perfect :-)

I'm sure that this nail polish will be very useful for many elegant nail art creations! :-)

Have you tried Born Pretty Store holographic nail polishes before? What do you think of them?

If you still haven't tried them, you can find this beautiful Holographic blue nail polish at Born Pretty Store

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Ania :-) Yes, it's really beautiful! :-)

  2. Bellissimo! Ho un po di punti da BPS forse li utilizzerò per questo!
    voglio vedere che arte farai con questa base meravigliosa :)

    1. Penso che sarai contenta, ma se non hai nemmeno uno smalto olografico BPS penso che quello viola potrebbe essere la tua prima scelta, è meraviglioso :-)

  3. It's a pretty blue holo - even if it's from BPS ;)

    1. I have three holo BPS polishes and I'm really happy with them :-)

  4. It's a lovely blue holo and looks good on you :-)

  5. I love shades like that ! And this holo effect - love it!

  6. baš je krasan *.*
    nemam nijedan njihov holo, baš čudno ;)

    1. Meni su ljubicasti i tamno zeleni fenomenalni, ovaj mi je mrvicu manje fenomenalan, ali svakako mi se jako dopada :-) Ugrabi ih sada dok su na popustu, ja sam ih pokupovala sa "zaradjenim" BPS poenima :-)

  7. Molto bello! Anche io per primi ho presto questo, il viola e il verde. Poi più avanti ho preso arancione e argento!

    1. Viola, verde e blu mi sono piaciuti tanto, certamente mi piacerebbe averli tutti... Chissà, piano piano... :-)

  8. It is amazing! :)

    1. I liked these three (purple, dark green and blue) and I bought them, but I really like all of them :-)

  9. Hi Tanja,
    With a so beautiful nail polish, the bottle is always too small.

    1. Yes, I agree... the only negative thing is that the bottle is so small :-)

  10. Baš je krasan!!! Volim holiće :)


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