Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

02 April, 2014

Born Pretty Store review: Mini open ring nail art decorations

This beautiful set of mini open ring nail art decorations was kindly offered to me from Born Pretty Store for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name: 150 pcs 3.5 mm Hot-sell Mini Open Ring Design Stud For Acrylic UV Gel Nail Art, item ID: 11792.  

This little plastic box contains approximately 150 pieces of mini open rings, their diameter is 3,5 mm, they are made of alloy and they are very light. The colours, golden and silver, are perfect because you can easily match them to all your manicures :-)  

The application is very easy. You can use a moisturized manicure stick to pick up a mini ring and then put it on nail polish that is still wet or on a drop of top coat. Repeat with other mini rings until you finish the design and cover entire nail with top coat. 

So, they are really easy to work with, they are very cute and they are perfect for many nail art creations! :-)

Here is my manicure, the base colour is Born Pretty Store BGirl Matte Nail Polish n° 801, for the dots I used golden acrylic colour and the top coat is NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat. 
I hope you like it :-)

Do you like using nail art decorations for your creations? 

If you still don't have any, you can try these mini open ring nail art decorations at Born Pretty Store

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.


  1. This looks very cool Tanja!
    I would start to pick them immediately if they were on my nails LOL

  2. I like to decorate my nails and exactly today I was looking at BPS and saw these cute little deco's. I love how they look on your nails!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! :-) Yes, they are cute and they are really easy to use! :-)

  3. manikura mi je super, premda mi to prstenje izgleda malo nespretno spojeno, nadam se da se ne izrežeš s njima :*

    1. Pravo da ti kazem, i mene cudi zasto ti prstencici nisu lepo spojeni, tj. napravljeni iz jednog dela, nego su ih ostavili "open"... Dok sam sa njima radila nisam se ni ogrebala, nisam imala problema, a i posle na noktima, posle duplog sloja top coat-a bilo je OK, samo sto se naravno zakace za kosu, kao i sve ostale zezalice koje se tako lepe na nokte... :-)

  4. Really cool manicure and so easy to do!! thanks for sharing this manicure! :)

    1. Thank you, Adelia! :-) Yes, it was not difficult to make this manicure and to use these rings :-)

  5. I like it! i'd say it's a bit steampunkish :)

  6. What a fun manicure! I think of traffic lights ;)

    1. Thank you, Jezzica! .-) Next time I will use these open rings in some other way, maybe some flowers? :-)

  7. Pretty unique nail art decorations, but they look great! Don't they fall off? How long do they last? :)

    1. Yes, they are unique and I guess they could be used also as nail piercing.. No, they don't fall off after a double layer of top coat :-)

  8. zar nisu ovo oni kao piercinzi za nokte? al ovo je definitivno bolja upotreba :)

    1. Born Pretty Store ima bas piercinge za nokte, a mozda i ovi mogu da se koriste tako.. Samo sto su meni nokti prekratki da bih ih busila i kacila prstencice, a ne bih ni mogla da ih nosim, smetali bi mi i na poslu :-)


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