Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

30 October, 2013

3D green & white squares on light green

Debby Color Play n° 217 Japanese Bamboo
Deborah Magnetic Nails n° 82
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. Oh this is truly amazing, like a piece of beautiful fabric :)

    1. Thank you, Maria, I'm happy how it came out and I think I'll make some more versions! :-)

  2. These are totally awesome, Tanja! You did such an amazing job of keeping the shapes so even, and the colours you picked so beautifully with the retro look. I especially love the metallic in there--it really adds a nice extra depth!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! :-) I'm happy how it turned out and I think that the colours make a perfect match! :-)

  3. This is one of my favorite manicures I have ever seen :))))

    1. Hvala! :-) Imam nameru da napravim jos slicnih, pripremi se! :-)

  4. Oooh that gorgeous manicure! I love ;)

  5. How perfect! I think this is very difficult to do!I can't paint a stright line imagine squares! so sharp and perfect! Now I have two pinterest boards: nails I'd like to try myself, and nail art that I can only admire :) guess where this is going to ?

    1. Thank you, Natalia! :-) I know that when your acrylic colours arrive you will start painting and slowly but surely you will do all those manicures that you admire now, and you will do it successfully...! :-)

  6. aj nemoj me zezat, baš sam imala u planu ovakvu manikuru :P
    pravim 'to do' listu i našla se i na mojoj... ali sad baš neću, jer će je tvoja zasjeniti :D
    fantastična je <3

    1. Hvala! :-) E pa sad moras da je napravis ali u drugim bojama! :-)

  7. ha kvadratici su nesto novo :D boja je jos uvijek diskutabilna XD ajd napravi ovo u nekoj drugoj boji da mogu bolje ocijenit :D

    1. Ti nekako iznenada slabo uspevas da funkcionises i da dajes "ocene" manikirima cim ugledas zelenu boju! :-) :-) A koju boju da upotrebim sledeci put, mozda (samo mozda... onako u smislu moglo bi biti...) plavu? :-) Evo, odmah odoh da promenim raspored u objavljivanju postova iz rezerve, pa da te malo "zatrpam" postovima sa plavim manikirima! :-)

  8. How cool! I get a sort of army feeling ;) And once more - I sooo admire your patience Tanja!!

  9. That's amazing as usual! It all works so well together!

    1. Thank you, Kas! I'm really happy how it came out! :-)

  10. Che pazienza!! Ma è davvero bellissima! Mi piacciono i colori con diversi finish e le geometrie!


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