Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

10 July, 2013

Golden Rose Matte Velvet n° 105 Green

I present to you the nail polish Golden Rose Matte Velvet n° 105 Green.
Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, without top coat.


  1. It's a pretty polish, I look forward to seeing what you paint on it :)

    1. Maybe I just decided to leave it "alone"? Not possible? :-) No, not possible! :-)

  2. It is very nice! I like its finish :)

    1. Thank you, Irina! :-) I like the finish of all Golden Rose Matte Velvet polishes that I have :-)

  3. Pretty! It doesn't look very matte though.

    1. Yes, all of Golden Rose Matte Velvet polishes are pretty! :-) And they have that special kind of matte, not the usual one :-)

  4. Replies
    1. I meni je nice :-) Vidi, vidi, Lendoxia jos uvek nije komentarisala, ko zna da li to ima veze sa tim sto je lak zelene boje? ;-)

    2. nema to veze s bojom bas sam mislila koentirat kako je vise plav nego zelen :P nego s tim da sam u groznim zaostacima pa mi treba koji dan da stignem do posta :)

    3. Nema veze, ja sam se samo malo salila, samo ti komentarisi kad mozes, uvek si dobrodosla! :-)


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