Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

07 May, 2013

Black flower on bluetiful base

Essence Color&Go n° 135 I'm Bluetiful
Acrylic colours
Half pearls
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. Ooh, these are so pretty! Very retro and totally cute!

  2. kraaašni... sve se mislim, da si malo bliže pa da te otmem na koji dan, da i ja imam tako slatko nacrtane noktiće :D

    1. Hvala! :-) Eh, pa i ne znas koliko sam ti bila blizu, u petak uvece sam dosla u Beograd, u subotu ujutru sam putovala auto-putem Beograd-Zagreb i jos par desetina kilometara do Brezica u Sloveniji na jedno prekrasno vencanje, a u nedelju popodne sam se vracala istim putem... :-)

    2. ma sve je to daleko, šta ti je, ja jadna skroz doli na moru ;)

    3. Ma znam, ali to je nekako najblize sto sam ti do sada prisla :-) prosto se osecao miris lakova za nokte u vazduhu... :-)

  3. Very pretty and a distinct retro feeling on this mani :) I like it :D

  4. A sto ce kod tebe nego cvjetovi, super mi je ova nadogradnja na ionako krasan lak :D

    1. Hvala! :-) Meni cvece uspeva samo na noktima, u pravom zivotu sam katastrofa, samo kaktusi mi uspevaju... :-)

  5. Che belle... in questo periodo amo particolarmente le nail art floreali.
    Credo proprio che prenderò ispirazione!

  6. Very beautiful! I love specially the white border to the flowers, it makes them really pop, and the little pearl is such a delicate detail! I would love to do this! but I don't think I would succeed using only regular polish :(

    1. Thank you, Natalia! :-) I'm sure that this manicure can be done using only regular polish, but I'm also sure that it's much easier if you use acrylic colours! :-)

  7. Hi,
    my name is evie and i've recently set up a fashion blog. i'm a big fan of nail art and love your posts! my recent article is a 'how to' for nail art, it would mean so much if you could check it out and maybe even help spread the word if you like it?
    Thank you :)
    Evie x

  8. I missed your nail art - it's good to be back and be greeted with gorgeous flowers :)

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) At the moment I'm away, I'm not in Italy, but I manage to check my blog every day.. Welcome back! :-)

  9. I loved how this nail polish looked on its own, but with flowers I love it even more! :)

    1. Thank you, Irina! :-) I just can't resist, I have to put something on every nail polish :-)


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