Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

03 January, 2013

Sponged black crackle on green


  1. I like the way sponged crackle looks over those green :)

    1. Thank you! I like how the colours match, but I guess that the black would look good on many other polishes :-) I should try other combinations too! :-)

  2. kako ti ovo ispadne ovako dobro, ja sam probavala sponging s crackleom ali mi ne uspijeva, u cemu je tajna?

    1. Uh, tesko pitanje :-) Ovo je jedini put da sam probala sponging sa crackleom i istina je da sam dobro zabrljala jedan nokat pa sam ga radila iz pocetka, ali u principu sam zadovoljna kako mi je ceo rad na ostalim noktima isao, nije mi izgledalo mnogo komplikovano... Jedino sam se trudila da sundjercic ne umocim bas mnogo u crni crackle i da brzo zavrsim jer jako brzo "puca"... :-) Inace, nemam nikakav specijalan sundjercic niti bilo sta specijalno sto bi mi moglo pomoci da sve ispadne super, brljam i ja... :-)

    2. ocito cu morat nastavit pokusavat, mozda je samo crackle bio tvrdoglav, probat cu s drugim

  3. It's a cool effect, it looks way more interesting this way...

    1. I saw it somewhere and I thought exactly the same thing as you did: the crackle looks more interesting this way... So I tried and I was happy with the result! :-)

  4. predobro izgleda, i kombinacija boja je savršena :D

    1. Hvala! I meni se svideo efekat, pa sam malo probala, a mislim da cu probati opet sa nekom drugom baznom bojom laka :-)

  5. oh that looks pretty cool! makes me want to go love on my crackles LOL

    1. Thanks, Lydz! :-) I have to say that I love crackle more this way than the normal way! :-)

  6. I love this! It actually looks like you painted your nails green, then black and then someone dropped something on your nail and the black broke :P

    1. Thank you, Kas! :-) It would be interesting if something like this existed! :-)

  7. Tole ti je pa zelo lepo uspelo, črni lakec je odlično razpokal! :)

    1. To mi je prvi put da sam probala da nanesem crackle lak pomocu sundjera i svidelo mi se kako je ispalo, mislim da cu to ponovo iskoristiti! :-)


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