Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

28 June, 2012

Bright tropical design

I got the inspiration for this manicure from one of the greatest nail-artists Robin Moses :-)

Kiko Duo-Chrome n° 398 Infinite Indigo
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat



  1. I agree, Robin Moses is an amazing artist!
    I absolutely love everything about this manicure, well composed, lovely colors - simply gorgeous!

    1. Yes, she makes amazing manicures and when you see the videos you simply become jelous of how quickly and perfectly she works! :-) Well, I can always try to "steal" her knowledge, even if I need much more time to arrive to the final result! :-)

  2. predivno, nemam riječi <3
    robin je super, ali ne usudim se ja nju kopirat, nisam tako vješta :-(

    1. Hvala! :-)
      Ma, sto da se ne usudis, i meni se to sve cini naucna fantastika, a onda prvo vezbam malo na nekom vestackom noktu pa predjem na moje nokte... Mislim, ne uspe mi sve to njeno sto probam, a i ne moze bas ispasti tako dobro kao njeno, ali bitno je da se oprobam i da na kraju budem zadovoljna rezultatom..! :-)

  3. Wow. I'm totally blown away by what a beautiful job you did with these. The colours are fantastic, and the great shine from the blue really makes the whole design pop!

    1. Thank you! :-) One more comment like this and I will melt... :-) Well, I tried to use the same colours as Robin Moses did and yes, I also think that the effect is great! :-)

  4. kako divno i sareno, taman bi meni trebalo ovako nesto da nosim na more i pravim se da sam na havajima :D

    1. Hajdemo mi stvarno na Havaje, nesto imam osecaj da ce tamo sigurno bolje da nam uspeva i nail art! :-)

    2. hahaha nisam sigurna da bi se mi uopce sjetile noktiju da smo na havajima :D

    3. Potpuno si u pravu :-) Eto, to bi bila dobra prilika da se nasi nokti malo odmore od lakova, acetona itd... :-) Pa, kao fora, moramo da idemo na Havaje zbog zdravlja nasih noktiju! :-)

  5. Summer paradise on the nails! :)

    1. Yes, we should only go to some real summer "paradise" with long sandy beaches, coconut palms and everything tropical around us! :-)

  6. Uau, tudi tale manikura je super! =) Ko bi čopiči znali sami naslikati kaj takega na moje nohte... ;D

    1. Hvala! :-) Copici sami nece to da ti nacrtaju, moras malo da im pomognes! :-)


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