
08 November, 2023

BornPretty review: Reflective Cat Magnetic Gel 01

Today I present you UV gel polish Reflective Cat Magnetic Gel 01, that I got from Born Pretty for my honest review :-)  

You can find it on BornPretty website with this name: Reflective Cat Magnetic Gel 10ml, 01.

There are 8 different shades in Reflective Cat Magnetic Series, they are all beautiful, but my choices are 08, purple, and this one that I'm showing you today, it's 01, silver :-) 

You can see my review of the purple Reflective Cat Magnetic Gel  in my last post BornPretty review: Reflective Cat Magnetic Gel 08 :-)

These reflective UV gels come in 10 ml bottles, they can be used under UV lamp or LED lamp light; they are made of healthy, environmental, no poisonous or pungent chemical materials.

I didn't have problems working with Reflective Cat Magnetic Gel 01, the application was smooth and easy! :-) 
I needed two thin layers for a full opacity. 
I used the round magnet that helped me create a kind of circle magnetic effect and I like it a lot! :-)

As base and top UV gel polish I used BP UV gel base coat and BP UV gel top coatEvery layer of UV gel polish and UV base/top coat is cured 2 minutes in 36W UV lamp

So, here it is, Reflective Cat Magnetic Gel 01! :-) 
I hope you like it as much as I do!! :-)

I remind you that BornPretty has a free shipping of all orders over $20, they ship worldwide, often they also make very nice offers too and, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my 10% off coupon code: MOONLIGHT10 o enter directly using this link: MOONLIGHT10 to get the 10% off on all your BornPretty orders! :-)



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