
25 September, 2020

Born Pretty Store review: White watercolor ink - Smoky white flowers on blue

Today I present you a new nail art products that was kindly sent to me from Born Pretty Store for my honest review. 

It is White watercolor ink, you can find it on this link: NICOLE DIARY White Watercolor Ink UV Gel Polish Smoke Effect Nail Varnish Nail Decorationitem ID: 48630.

This white watercolor ink comes in a small 6ml bottle. It is very easy to use, it dries fast and it doesn't need to be cured under UV light. From the first moment I saw it I knew that it would be perfect for drawing some flowers on my nails :-) 
You need to apply only one layer for a delicate watercolour effect, and two or more layers for more visible effects, as I prefered for this manicure. 
I had a lot of fun drawing with this watercolor ink, so I can strongly recommend it! :-)

Here are the instructions how to use it, to get the best risult possible:
1. apply one layer of UV gel base coat; cure it for 2 minutes in 36W UV lamp
2. apply one or two layers of UV gel polish, using darker colours the effect of white watercolor ink will be more visible; cure each layer for 2 minutes in 36W UV lamp
3. apply one layer of UV gel MATTE top coat; cure it for 2 minutes in 36W UV lamp
4. draw whatever you like using watercolor ink and let it air dry  
5. seal the manicure with one layer of UV gel top coat; cure it for 2 minutes in 36W UV lamp

I remind you that Born Pretty Store has a free shipping worldwide, often they also make very nice offers too and, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91, to get the 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders! :-)

20 September, 2020

BPS review Stamping plate BP Frenchy Floral L001 - Light purple floral pattern on gothic violet

Today I present you stamping plate BP Frenchy Floral L001 that was kindly sent to me from Born Pretty Store for my honest review. 

You can find it on this link: BORN PRETTY Rectangle Nail Stamping Plates Stainless Steel Simple High-Quality Frenchy Floral L001item ID: 50015.

Stamping plate BP Frenchy Floral L001 is a rectangular shaped stamping plate with a lot of big and small floral patterns, that are all very pretty :-) 
This stamping plate can help you create very eye-catching nail art stamping manicures :-)
I already made 2-3 stamping manicures using the patterns from it, this is the first one that I want to show you today and in next days I will publish also the others :-)

It works perfectly, I didn't have any problem, it's engraved deeply enough to get perfect patterns and transfer them on your nails, the patterns are really clear and sharp! :-) 
I strongly recommend it! :-)

I remind you that Born Pretty Store has a free shipping worldwide, often they also make very nice offers too and, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91, to get the 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders! :-)

Here is my manicure, Light purple floral pattern on gothic violet, I hope you like it! :-)

Kiko 3 in 1 Shiny fortifying fast dry base/top coat

16 September, 2020

BPS review Watercolor nail painting pen BP-HI04 Holy Mate - Purple roses on white

Today I present you a new nail art products that was kindly sent to me from Born Pretty Store for my honest review. 

It is Water color nail painting pen, you can find it on this link: BORN PRETTY 1ml Watercolor Nail Painting Pen Nail Art Design Bloom Beauty Nail Art Designitem ID: 46717, BP-HI04 Holy Mate (purple).

This water color nail painting pen looks like a normal pen, it contains 1ml of colour and it comes in 12 different colours, all of them are very interesting. I chose purple because it's one of my favourite colours and I already immagined it would be perfect for colouring some flowers on my nails :-) 

The pen is very easy to use, the water color is easy to apply and it dries quickly. 
You need to apply only one layer for a delicate water colour effect, and two or more layers for more visible coloured effects. 
I had a lot of fun drawing with this water color pen, so I can strongly recommend it! :-)

I remind you that Born Pretty Store has a free shipping worldwide, often they also make very nice offers too and, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91, to get the 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders! :-)

Kiko 3 in 1 Shiny fortifying fast dry base/top coat