
08 October, 2016

Born Pretty Store review: Pink Liner Nail Art Brush - Purple stripes

Today I'm presenting to you Born Pretty Store nail art brush that you can find on their website with this name: 1 Pc Nail Art Brush Liner Drawing Liner Pen Paint Nail Art Tools, item ID: 21971

This brush is really beautiful, made in this nice pink with a "satin finish", it is simple yet elegant, so it has a strong visual impact on me :-) It's very light and easy to hold and to handle :-) 

It has a very thin brush, the bristles are very refined and delicate, so this makes it perfect for drawing lines and small details in nail art painting and drawing. It can be used with nail polish and acrylic paint. I think that I will use it only with acrylic colours because the cleaning will be much easier and surely I wouldn't like to ruin it using it with nail polishes and cleaning it with acetone or similar aggressive cleansers. Fortunately, the brush has also a small plastic that protects the bristle, and also a plastic case, so when you storage your brush you are sure that it won't get bended, or twisted or damaged :-) 

As you probably know, I love free hand nail art and it means that a good nail art brush is really a precious tool for me :-) (Well, it's true that lately I practice stamping a lot, but free hand nail art is still my favourite technique!)

My experience with this Pink Liner Nail Art Brush is very positive, so I think that soon I will get used to it and I'll surely use it a lot for my nail art creations :-)

If you need a good nail art brush, I can highly recommend the Pink Liner Nail Art Brush to you, and you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91 to get 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders :-) 

Here is my Purple stripes manicure, I hope you like it! :-) 

Debby Color Play n° 46
acrylic colours
Kiko 3 in 1 Shine fortifying fast dry base/top coat


  1. Predivna kombinacija boja, cetkica je savrsena za ovakve manikire :-)

  2. You created very nice lines with it!

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) It's a really nice nail art brush :-)

  3. odlična manikura <3
    meni se čini da bi ti i s najlošijim kistom na svijetu bila u stanju napravit nešto ovako dobro :D

    1. Hvala! :-) Kad se naviknes na neku cetkicu, nekako znas sa njom da radis, pa cak i kada postane malo "cupava" znas na koji nacin da je okrenes da bi dobila ravne linije... Normalno, kad je cetkica nova sve nekako lakse ide, sto je starija sve vise je "seckam" i na kraju kad vidim da ima samo jos desetak dlacica vreme je da se baci... :-)


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