
15 March, 2016

Born Pretty Store review: Stamping plate Qgirl-054 - White dandelions on silver crystals

Today I'm showing you the stamping plate Qgirl-054 that I bought on Born Pretty Store
You can find it on their website with this nameNail Art Stamping Template Image Plate Mini Dandelion Pattern #Qgirl-054, item ID: 23792.

Stamping plate Qgirl-054 is called dandelion pattern stamping plate and it is very particular! :-) It remembers me my childhood and the way that I played with dandelions, a long time ago.. :-) All the patterns are very interesting and they offer you many possibilities and you can create gorgeous eye-catching nail art stamping manicures :-) 

The stamping plate works perfectly, I didn't have any problem, it's engraved deeply enough to get perfect patterns and transfer them on your nails, the patterns are really clear and sharp!

All Born Pretty Store stamping plates (BPL, BP, Y, Qgirl series...) are really very good choice, I already have many of them and I highly recommend all of them! And you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91 to get 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders :-) 

Here is my White dandelions on silver crystals, I hope you like it! :-)


  1. Oh, this is really beautiful, I would like to see a dress in that pattern!!

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) Well, I guess it would be a nice dress and I would wear it, maybe having that pattern only on the edges of the dress or on one part of the dress :-)

  2. Kao i uvek, divni cvetici, a plocica je bas slatka :-)

  3. For me this plate looks boring, but when you made manicure with it, I fall in love <3

    1. Thank you, Marta! :-) You know, sometimes I have the same feeling, I see some plate and it looks boring to me, I even make a manicure with it and I say "OK, but nothing special" and then I see the manicure that some other girl made with the same plate and it looks fabulous..! I think that you can get beautiful stamping manicures using beautiful holo polishes and good black or white stamping polishes, holo gives a whole new dimension to any manicure... :-) Maybe also this manicure would look better if I used holo base polish, but anyway I love how it came out! :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Hvala :-) Ma pusti mene, samo neki cvetici...! :-)

  5. Such a nice summer-y manicure! The plate's patterns look a bit boring indeed :D but I like it how you combined them in the design!

    1. Thank you, Mari! :-) It's all about the right choice of colours! :-) And, of course, the stamping must be neat! :-)

  6. Wow wow wow, it's caught my eyes!!! Love love love!

    1. Thank you, Tina! :-) I like it very much too :-)


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