
13 December, 2015

Born Pretty Store review: Stamping plate BPL-032 - Golden snowflakes on iceberg white

Today I'm showing you one of newest Born Pretty Store stamping plates, it's the stamping plate BPL-032 and you can find it on Born Pretty Store website with this nameXmas Snowflake Nail Art Stamp Template Christmas Image Plate BORN PRETTY BP-L032 12.5 x 6.5cm, item ID: 23268.

The stamping plate BPL-032 is a perfect stamping plate for Christmas and it can help you create very eye-catching nail art stamping manicures :-)
It is full of small and medium Christmas images, and my favourite part of this stamping plate is a large snowflake pattern that I decided to use for the manicure I'm showing you today! 
These snowflakes look very delicate and really lovely! :-)  

The stamping plate works perfectly, just like the other BPL series stamping plates that I have, I didn't have any problem, it's engraved deeply enough to get perfect patterns and transfer them on your nails, the patterns are really clear and sharp! :-)

Born Pretty Store BPL stamping plates are really very good choice, I already have many of them and I highly recommend all of them! And you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91 to get 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders :-) 

Here is my Golden snowflakes on iceberg white, I hope you like it! :-)

Avon Gel Finish Iceberg White
Ya Qin An golden stamping polish
BPS stamping plate BPL-032
Kiko 3 in 1 Shine fortifying fast dry base/top coat


  1. What a festive and beautiful stamping mani, I like it!

  2. Oh, it looks so delicate! perfect design <3

  3. Prekrasna plocica i prekrasne pahulje! :-)

  4. Beautiful, good idea to make gold snowflakes on white <3

    1. Thank you, Marta! :-) Gold on white seemed like a good combination for this manicure :-)

  5. Un altro bellissimo abbinamento festivo <3

  6. Intresting stamp plate but not for me.

  7. to ti ja pričam, ovo je savršeno <3

    1. :-) Hehehe, to sam prvo iskoristila, sta ces bolje od pahuljica...! :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Sono d'accordo, anche a me è piaciuto l'effetto finale! :-)


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