
24 October, 2015

Born Pretty Store review: Squishy marshmallow XL red stamper - Black & white roses

In my last Born Pretty Store sample package my very kind BPS contact and friend Tina that collaborates with me (...and with other 400 or even more bloggers...) sent me 3-4 new stampers :-) Tina is a person that encouraged me to try stamping more seriously, she helped me, adviced me, sent me a lot of stamping plates too... and thanks to her in something like one year I became stamping addicted! :-) 
Until now I worked with a simple stamper that worked good for me and I got so used to it that I trust it 100%... so it will be a little bit difficult to get used to new stampers... But, I've read so many nice reviews about them and I really want to dedicate some time to make them work perfectly, like they work for other stamping addicted girls that use them! :-) 

Today I present to you Squishy marshmallow XL red stamper, you can find it on BPS website with this name: 4cm XL Stamper Squishy Marshmallow Big Nail Art Stamper & 1pc BORNPRETTY Scraper, item ID: 21739.

This stamper has a silicon head, very soft and squishy (not sticky!), it really seems like marshmallow :-) It's diameter is approximately 4 cm so it is suitable for stamping also on long nails. 
You can choose the colour of the stamper, there are red and clear stampers available.
The stamper is easy to clean, a sticky tape or lint roller is recommended.

This stamper comes with the Born Pretty Store scraper that is easy to work with and very useful, easy to clean and the most important thing is that it doesn't scratch your stamping plates! 
If you're interested only in scraper, you can find it with this name: BORNPRETTY Design Nail Art Scraper 2pcs/SETitem ID: 21872, it's price is very convenient and it works perfectly :-) So, please don't use metal scapers and destroy your beautiful stamping plates! :-)

Using this stamper for the first time, some girls didn't have problems with it and didn't have to prime it first, some had to do it... I am one of those who had some problems at the beginning, my stamper couldn't pick up the images from my stamping plates; as much as I tried with different stamping plates and different stamping polishes it seemed not working... Then I filed it with nail file and it started picking up images from stamping plates perfectly, smallest details and lines included..! 
Here are some examples (floral, of course...):

Of course, I can't say that after one stamping manicure I work with this stamper perfectly because it would not be true, I make errors and I still have to get used to it and learn to use it properly... you know that "practice makes perfect" :-) I hope that soon I will become fast in stamping also with my new red stamper and that it will become my new little helper in creating many beautiful nail art stamping manicures! :-) 

If you like this stamper, you can find it here: 4cm XL Stamper Squishy Marshmallow Big Nail Art Stamper & 1pc BORNPRETTY Scraper, item ID: 21739and you're welcome to use my coupon code CYL91 to get 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders :-)

Here is my Black & white roses, I hope you like it! :-)

Ya Qin An white stamping polish
Kiko 3 in 1 Shine fortifying fast dry base/top coat


  1. Oh, it looks like it works very well!

    1. Here you can not see my mistakes and some stampings that I had to destroy and start again... you can only see the final result, and I am happy how it came out! :-) But, I still have to learn how to use it properly to get the results that I want, I guess I will just have to practice :-)

    2. I have same feelings about this stamper, I go back to my normal XL, this one is nice but too big for me ^^ most of time he stamp well but not all time :<

    3. As I wrote, I will have to practice and learn the right way to use it and get the best results :-)

  2. Io ho il suo gemello trasparente e sono una di quelle che non riesce ad usarlo. Se rollo sull'immagine (che dovrebbe essere la regola con gli squishy) lo stamper rimane perfettamente pulito, se premo fortissimo viene su qualcosa in modo random. Devo provare a dargli una passatina con la lima... Che parte consigli? Il buffer o la parte per limare vera e propria? E' un peccato averlo lì a prendere polvere (metaforicamente parlando... E' sigillato in una scatola! :D ).

    1. Ciao, Cristina! :-)
      Ho utilizzato la lima che mi ha mandato Tina, il mio contatto BPS, ed è questa:

      Per me non è tanto facile passare a questi nuovi stampers, sono abituata al vecchio semplice rosso e duro stamper Konad... Comunque, mi sono promessa di provarci, ma di impegnarmi per bene, visto che tutti questi "morbidoni" sono lodati da tante ragazze stamping addicted :-)
      Purtroppo, non ho mai abbastanza tempo libero per mettermi a giocare e provare fino a quando non riesco a capire esattamente in quale modo lo devo utilizzare per ottenere i risultati soddisfacenti... magari un giorno avverrà! :-)

      All'inizio non riuscivo nemmeno a raccogliere l'immagine dalla stamping plate, adesso riesco a raccoglierla molto bene (e si vede anche sulle foto che ho postato, niente inganno! :-)..) però nei 50% dei casi non riesco a trasferirla bene sull'unghia.. E anche questa manicure doveva essere diversa, cioè con le rose su tutte le unghie, purtroppo ho impasticciato tanto alcune unghie più di una volta, così quando ho raggiunto questo risultato ho detto "Basta! Sono più che contenta per oggi!"...

      Direi che devo esercitarmi, perché non mi piace fare le cose "a caso" tipo "come riesce - riesce", e non mi piace perdere tempo togliendo tutto dalle unghie e partendo da capo, si sa quanto tempo ci vuole per far asciugare lo smalto, la protezione della pelle intorno all'unghia... per arrivare a stampare di nuovo... :-) Speriamo bene! :-)

  3. I love this stamper and the mani you did is very pretty :)

  4. Dear Tanja, thanks very much for your nice words,it's always my pleasure. I'd be so happy to know you enjoy stamping. Ha ha ha... You've worked perfectly to pick up the images with the stamper. The white & black rose manicure is so fabulous. I really love it.^^

    1. Thank you, Tina! :-) Yes, it's your "fault" that I became stamping-addict! :-)

  5. krasna manikura :D
    osobno baš i nisam fan ovih glomaznih pečata, treba s njim ciljat nokte ;)

    1. Navikla sam na tvrdi pecat, pa se sa ovima jos uvek mucim... moram se jos potruditi, ali i ako mi ne budu "lezali" bas kako treba uvek mogu da se vratim starim dobrim tvrdim pecatima, nije bitno cime stampas, bitan je rezultat :-)


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