
14 August, 2015

Lady Queen review: Stamping plate héhé 019 - Shattered glass pattern on dark textured purple

Today I present to you a new stamping plate that was kindly sent to me from Lady Queen for this review :-)
You can find it on their website with this name Flower Letter X Square Mesh Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate hehe019, item ID: NA0551.

Stamping plate héhé 019 was one of the most interesting stamping plates that I found on Lady Queen website, I like all the patterns and for my first manicure made with this plate I chose the pattern that strongly reminds me of shattered glass :-) 

Working with this stamping plate went smoothly, it seems to be a little bit "rougher" than other brands of stamping plates that I have in my collection, but it was not a problem at all... I think that with this stamping plate you can make some nice stamping nail art manicures really easily! :-)

And you are welcome to use my coupon code LGLC15 to get 15% off on all your Lady Queen orders :-) 

Here is my Shattered glass pattern on dark textured purple manicure, I hope you like it! :-)

Mundo de Uñas white stamping polish


  1. Aww, that is a pretty mani - I like that pattern!

    1. Thank you, Maria :-) It reminds me of shattered glass :-)

  2. Oh! Very lovely mani. The patterns on a plate are very beautiful.

  3. Amazing stamping manicure, I love the plate :-)

  4. odlična manikura, sviđa mi se i pločica :D

  5. Replies
    1. Sì, mi sembra che mi sia riuscito molto bene! :-)

  6. Che bello il motivo, ancora più interessante stampato sul textured!!!

    1. Grazie, Aly! :-) Mi piace stampare sugli smalti textured :-)


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