
15 March, 2015

BPS review Stamping plate BP-51 - Simple feather stamping manicure

This beautiful stamping plate was kindly sent to me from Born Pretty Store for this review. 
You can find it on BPS website with this name: Cute Windmills Nail Art Stamping Template Image Plate Born Pretty BP51, item ID: 18794.

Born Pretty Store stamping plate BP-51 is the stamping plate with 5 normal patterns and 4 small patterns; normal size patterns are not big enough to cover longer nails entirely, but they can be used to cover one part of the nail and make other interesting nail art creations :-) Smaller patterns are very cute and somehow I decided to "keep it simple" today, so I chose the feather pattern :-) And I like it very much :-)

Like all the other Born Pretty Store stamping plates from BP collection, also this stamping plate is engraved deeply enough to get perfect patterns and transfer them on your nails without problems, the patterns are really clear and sharp! :-)  

I recommend this stamping plate for it's beauty, quality and very affordable price too! :-)

And, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my coupon code CYL91, to get the 10% off on all your Born Pretty Store orders! :-)

Here is my Simple feather stamping manicure, I hope you like it! :-)



  1. Simple but very effective - I like it a lot!

  2. I'm waiting for that plate ;) your nails are very cute :)

  3. Thank you for so many kind words on my blog :) You are really kind :) and I am your big fan :) I love your ideas and visions for decorating nails :) Yours sincerely :)

    1. Thank YOU for your kind words! :-) I love your blog and your manicures :-)

  4. krasna manikura, i ja sam danas štampala s ove pločice :D

    1. Hvala :-) Ne znam zasto mi je prvi izbor bio perce, mozda stvarno zato sto mi se cinilo da mi treba nesto jednostavno, ali svidjaju mi se i sve ostalo na plocici, bice uskoro :-)


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