
07 January, 2015

Superficially Colorful Lacquer: Nixie, Breathe, Omaticaya and a beautiful prototype :-)

Today I would like to present to you four nail polishes very special to me... These are nail polishes made by my friend and blog colleague Jin Jit, the owner of blog Superficially Colorful Lacquer and new, young and fresh indie nail polish maker :-)

She really makes wonderful nail polishes :-) 

I am proud that I could try her nail polishes even before she started selling them, I tried her thermal nail polishes and you can read all about my very positive experience and impressions in my posts:
Nail mail from Israel - Superficially Colorful Lacquer
Superficially Colorful Lacquer: Serene
Superficially Colorful Lacquer: Meditative
Superficially Colorful Lacquer: Enthralled
Superficially Colorful Lacquer: Fascinated and opening of Superficially Colorful shop
Superficially Colorful Lacquer: Impulsive

You can also see some nail art made on these beautiful thermal change nail polishes in my posts:
Black little flowers on Serene
Peacock feather on teal
Little white flower and dots on Enthralled
White flowers on Fascinated
White flowers on Impulsive

This time, I would like to present to you some of new nail polishes made by Jin, I ordered two of them that I loved but in my very cute cube package I got also two "intruders" and I liked also them very much, Jin seems to know my personal taste :-) 
Thank you, dear Jin, thanks for two "intruders" and thanks for all the beautiful nail polishes that you create! :-)

On my photos you can see also the lovely boxes of Jin's nail polishes, there is also Jin and her two cats and I smile whenever I see her on the boxes! :-)

So, here are my new Superficially Colorful Lacquer beauties (from left to right):
Nixie, from Fairies & Sprites Collection
Breathe, nail polish from the Polish for a cause - The Lighthouse of Hope Box
Omaticaya, from Life On Pandora Collection
prototype I, impatiently waiting to see the new collection.. :-)

I already tried Nixie and Omaticaya, I made some swatches and I used them for my nail art creations (will be published on my blog in next days!), and I can just say that they are really really lovely and beautiful! :-) Unfortunately, the lack of free time lately didn't permit me to try Breathe and Prototype I on my nails, but I'm looking forward to it! :-) 

Waiting for my Nixie post, I suggest you to visit Superficially Colour Lacquer website, and let your eyes enjoy all those beautiful little treasures, creations of lovely Jin! 
I'm sure you will find a lot of interesting nail polishes, try to resist them if you can..! :-)


  1. I look forward to see your swatches :)

  2. krasni, jedva čekam ostatak swatcheva :D
    pakiranje mi je genijalno <3

    1. Uskoro stizu swatchevi :-) Pakovanje je super-cute a lakovi su fenomenalni! :-)

  3. They look really interesting - can't wait to see them on you :-)

    1. I like all of them and I like also many other Superficially Colorful Lacquer nail polishes :-) You can also find very nice photos on Jin's website and perfect swatches made by many other bloggers that are really "pro" in swatching :-)


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