
31 January, 2015

Raggio di Luna manicures collage January 2015

January 2015 nail polishes collage

January 2015 nail art collage


  1. Replies
    1. So much stamping! :-) I counted now: 4 free hand nail art and 20 stamping... Well, if that's not full immersion... :-)

  2. Beautiful. You had a great month.

  3. krasne bočice, moram priznati da mi se taj risque baš sviđa :D
    od manikura biram zebru, premda ni jedna druga ne zaostaje... dobro ištampan mjesec ;)

    1. Reci cu toj curi koja mi je poslala Risque da sledeci put kad ode u Brazil donese jos koji komad, i tebi i meni! :-) E bas si lepo napisala da je dobro "istampan" mesec :-) Sto jeste - jeste, bas je istampan! :-)


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