
29 November, 2014

Crazy dots on Tristam

If you have the impression that you've already seen this on my blog... well, you're right! :-) 

The truth is that I wanted to wear one of my favourite nail polishes a-england The Mythicals Tristam once again and I got the wish to put just some crazy white dots on it... Then, when I already finished my manicure, I got the impression of "déjà vu"... :-) 
I searched a little bit and I found out that I made exactly the same manicure last September, the only difference is that I used another base nail polish... and the name of the post was Crazy white dots on blue :-) ...Oh, I need those long(er) nails back again! :-)

Which version do you like more? :-) 

a-england The Mythicals Tristam
acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. It's so cool - it has that print or fabric like quality to it - beautiful!

  2. Iako su oba manikira baš lepa (ne možeš pogrešiti sa tačkicama) više mi se sviđa ova verzija. Starija me zbog svetlije boje podseća na one turske amajlije protiv uroka.

    1. Slazem se, mislim da se sa tackicama ne moze pogresiti :-)

  3. nekoga je uhvatilo tockasto ludilo zadnjih dana :D

    1. Volim tackice, a vidis kako sam ostarila pa se ponavljam... i nisam ni ukopcala da sam odradila potpuno isti manikir kao i pre godinu dana sve dok nije sve bilo gotovo, haha! :-)

  4. Oh this is really nice. I do like it :-)

  5. Hi Tanja,
    I prefer the version with Tristam, only because it's Tristam, and I like so much this nail polish.

    1. Thank you, Catherine :-) Tristam is one of my favourite nail polishes :-)

  6. da lude točkice ;)
    super vesela manikura :D

    1. Pazi, sve sam zavrsila i fotografisala i tek onda me je poceo nagrizati crv sumnje u smislu " ja sam ovo vec jednom napravila..." :-) Volim tackice, sta cu... :-)

  7. mozda mi je tamnije plava lepsa..ali perfektne su obe :) svaka cast !

    1. Mislim da ovakve tackice dobro uspeju na svakoj malo tamnijoj pozadini, a volim tackice tako da mi se desilo da sam dva puta odradila potpuno isti manikir i tek na kraju sam postala svesna toga :-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think both of them are gorgeous, but I think I like the lighter blue a little more. It may be because your nails were longer then. I know what you mean when you say that you wish you still had your longer nails. Over the last couple of weeks I've had to file almost all of mine back because the tips have flaked and peeled, and they started breaking off. This is because of the damage that was caused to my nails by the chemotherapy I had back in April for breast cancer. My nails went all brown, became really fragile, and some of them even started to lift off the nail bed. The new growth is looking pretty good, but it is taking forever for the yukky ends to grow out. I'm now using everything I can find to nourish and strengthen my nails, but my main weapon is Jojoba oil, which I apply at least 3 or 4 times a day. Now I can actually see where I started using it, so I can recommend this to everyone. Hopefully it won't be long before my nails are longer again.

    1. Thank you, Christine! :-) My nails are not naturally weak, but my working place is a supermarket where I get in contact with coins, boxes, plastic, all kind of product to manage, so this is a big challenge for my my entire body, particularly for my hands and nails that get damaged all the time... I would like to have longer nails, but I simply can't work with them and of course if one gets damaged I have to cut all of them... But, it's not so important, all kinds of nails can look beautiful, I just need a little bit more patience to draw smaller things that fit my short(er) nails :-) I read about your chemotherapy and problems that you had with nails and I read about jojoba oil, when I get my hands on it I will surely try it! :-) I wish you all the best, for your nails and your health! :-)


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