
29 October, 2014

Misslyn Silk Touch n° 06

At the end of April I took part in a giveaway offered by Mateja, blog Purple Glitters, and I was lucky enough to win :-) I won Catrice palette F'rosen Yoghurt and the beautiful textured nail polish Catrice Crushed Crystals n° 04 Oyster & Champagne :-) 
Together with the prizes, Mateja sent me also this nail polish that I present to you today :-)

Enjoy Misslyn Silk Touch n° 06 :-)

Photographs: outside in the sun, three layers of nail polish, without top coat.


  1. Hola!
    Me encanta tu blog y lo talentosa que sos para el nail art.
    Saludos desde Argentina :)


  2. The first word that comes to mind is sweet - this is so delicate, pretty and truly sweet :)

    1. Thank you Maria :-) Sometimes I feel to wear (on my nails) something sweet too :-)

  3. interesantan finiš, premda boja baš i nije my cup of tea ;)
    sad jedva čekam da vidim s kakvim ćeš ga nail artom uljepšati :D

    1. Finis je interesantan, nesto kao polu-mat, a s vremena na vreme prosetam i ovakve boje... A bila sam malo "lenja" za crtanje, dodala sam nesto samo na dva nokta, brza varijanta :-)

  4. This is so pretty and I love the finish. It reminds me of the Silk Collection from Barry M :-)


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