
26 July, 2014

KKCenterHk review: Color Club Sea Salt textured polish Riviera

This beautiful nail polish was kindly offered to me from KKCenterHk for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name: Color Club Sea Salt textured polish Riviera, item ID: COLORCLUB-1016.

Color Club Sea Salt textured polish Riviera is a teal shade with the perfect ammount of texture. The nail polish comes in a 15 ml bottle. 
I had no problems during application, on  my photos you can see three thin layers, they were enough for a complete opacity :-)

There are 6 different colours in Sea Salt collection, they are all beautiful and I would like to have all of them :-) I really love textured finish and I have many textured nail polishes (...maybe even too many of them, but I can't help it, I adore them...), but I really liked this particular teal shade :-)

So, here it is, Color Club Sea Salt Riviera :-)

Do you like textured nail polishes? What do you think about Color Club Sea Salt Riviera? :-)

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed my review! 

KKCenterHk was also kind enough to give my readers 10% off their purchase with the code: raggio-di-luna-nails. Happy shopping! :-)


  1. Textured polish is kind of hit or a miss for me. I'm not really feeling the texture on this.

    1. I have a lot of textured nail polishes and I love textured finish :-) In this one I also love those little blue particles of glitter :-)

  2. fantastic color :)

    Kisses from Poland! :)

    1. Thank you, Edyta! Yes, it's fantastic indeed :-)

  3. This looks gorgeous! I've got it but not tried it yet.

    I've tried two so far from this range and found Seaside to be really rough and it caught in my hair! I wasn't impressed with it at all. Then I tried Coastline - the forumla wasn't great but I loved the look of it :-)

    1. This is the first one that I tried from the Sea Salt collection, it is very rough, but after I made swatches I put some nail art on it and I covered it with one layer of top coat, so I didn't have any problems with the roughness :-) I have many textured nail polishes, mostly Kiko, OPI and Golden Rose and I love all of them :-)

  4. It's a mermaids tale ;)
    I love textured polishes - just not on my own nails!

    1. Yes, teal mermaid with blue glitters :-) I love them... on my own nails :-)

  5. Hi Tanja,
    Beautiful polish, the blue ocean also looks very beautiful. ;-)

  6. nekako me ova kolekcija na promo fotkama baš i nije privukla... moram priznati da bolje izgleda na tvojim noktima nego u bočici :D

    1. Ovaj je fenomenalan, dosta grub ali bogat bojom i plavim glitterima, za ostale ne znam :-)

  7. It looks so beautiful!

    1. I love textured nail polishes and this one is fantastic :-)

  8. erm nije mi bas, mora da je do zelene :D

    1. Razmisli jos jednom, minijaturne cestice u njemu su plave boje :-)


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