
13 May, 2014

Kiko Satin Nail Lacquer n° 443 Rose Taupe

I present to you the nail polish Kiko Satin Nail Lacquer n° 443 Rose Taupe.
Photographs: outside in the sun, two generous layers of nail polish, without top coat.

You can see all the nail polishes from the same collection in my post Kiko Satin Nail Lacquer Set.

Later today I'll show you some nail art made on this beautiful nail polish :-)


  1. This one isn't really my colour - but it looks nice on you and it does look a bit more of a satin finish than the other 'satins' I've seen here! :-)

    1. I like this kind of "dusty" colours and with some nice nail art it can look very elegant :-)

  2. Ananka just wrote what I was about to ;)
    I have a lot of satins this afternoon too LOL

  3. Replies
    1. Oh, da, da, moze se svasta sa njim napraviti :-)

  4. imam par sličnih u kolekciji, volim ovakve nijanse :D
    (moram se svaki put podsjetit da imam nešto slično, tako se nagovaram na apstinenciju od nove kupnje)

    1. I ja volim ovakve nijanse i stalno se podsecam da imam nesto slicno u kolekciji, ali moja kolekcija stalno raste...! :-)


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