
27 April, 2014

Raggio di Luna nail wheels 13, 14 and 15

From the moment I started blogging, I made photographs of all my manicures and I published them on my blog. 

I also tried to reproduce (almost) all my manicures on these plastic nail displays, plastic nail wheels, so I could have them near me when I need to take a quick look and find some old manicure quickly :-)

Lately I made photos of nail wheels too, I thought it would be interesting If you could see my manicures here all together :-) 
So, I'm going to publish this kind of "nail wheel" post from time to time until I show you all my nail wheels that I have at the moment, and then I guess I will continue showing one nail wheel a month, depending on my inspiration of course :-)

These are nail wheel 13, nail wheel 14 and nail wheel 15 :-)

If you have some free time, you can see my other nail wheel posts here:
Raggio di Luna nail wheels 1, 2 and 3 
Raggio di Luna nail wheels 4, 5 and 6
Raggio di Luna nail wheels 7, 8 and 9
Raggio di Luna nail wheels 10, 11 and 12


  1. Guardare le tue ruote è sempre un'esperienza incredibile, un tuffo nel colore, nella creatività, nell'eleganza e nella precisione che caratterizzano tutte le tue creazioni! :)

  2. Včasih se res ne morem nagledat tvojih umetnin. In takole na kupu so res čudovite!

  3. It is a fantastic idea to save all your designs on nail wheels. All of them are very special!

  4. You're so talented!! I know I told this before ;)

  5. e ovih se malo bolje sjećam, friškiji su ;)
    tko bi izdvojio sve favorite... pretežak izbor :D

  6. well.. again, it's hard to chose my favorite!! you're just so so talented!!!

    1. Thank you, Gosia! :-) Well, looking at these it seems that all I can draw are flowers and dots :-)


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