
28 March, 2014

Catrice n° 14 Purple Reign

This is one of nail polishes that I got in a swap with dear Žana, from the blog Nail Crazy :-)  
If you would like to see the other nail polishes that I got in our swap, you can see them here: Nail mail - Swap with Nail Crazy :-)

I present to you the nail polish Catrice n° 14 Purple Reign.
Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, without top coat.

Later today I will show you some floral nail art made with this beautiful nail polish :-)


  1. You always show us the most beautiful polishes, I love this one too!
    Wish you a great weekend!

  2. Gorgeous nail polish! :)

    1. It really is, it's one of my favourite purple nail polishes! :-)

  3. baš je super... nadam se da ga i ja imam u zalisi, već sam se počela gubiti oko toga imam li neki lak ili ne ;)

    1. Brzo ti to proveri, a ako ga nemas, reci cu ti ko mi je pomogao da ga nabavim! :-)

  4. It is beautiful! And it is waiting patiently on my wishlist :D

    1. Hvala, Kristina! :-) Ja mogu da zahvalim Z'ani, Nail Crazy blog, sto sam ga konacno dobila! :-)


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