
20 February, 2014

Green arches

Today I'd like to show you two manicures made with the same base nail polish, Eveline MiniMax n° 820 that I got from my dear blog friend Žana from Nail Crazy blog :-) Thank you, my friend! :-)

I called the first manicure "Green arches". I got the idea to draw something that I imagined like "gradient arches", so I used acrylic colours to create various shades of green... And, I can tell you also that I put a lot of patience making them... :-) 

But, at the end, after I made the photos, suddenly I was not so pleased with the result, I really don't know why, but I knew that this manicure will have a very, very short life (actually it didn't survive more than one hour)... So, I cleaned my accent nails, put the base colour on them again and started a second manicure, completely different... 

And, yes, the second one made me much more happy... :-)
Later today I will publish the post with my second manicure, so you could choose the one that you like more! :-)

Eveline MiniMax n° 820
NYC n° 134 Pinstripe White
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. Guarda, proprio a voler guardare il pelo nell'uovo secondo me hai scelto un colore troppo scuro di partenza per gli 'arcobaleni'... ma lo dico solo perchè tu per prima hai menzionato il fatto di non essere del tutto soddisfatta: se riuscissi io a fare una nail art bella e precisa la metà di questa ne sarei orgogliosissima! :-)

    1. Sono rimasta contenta di come sono usciti gli archi :-) però non mi convincevano i loro colori... magari hai ragione e ho scelto un colore troppo scuro di partenza... :-)

  2. Very pretty look - nails wraps are perfect for accents like this :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

    1. I don't like using nail wraps and nail stickers, I use them rarely... and sometimes I use some nice water decals that I like... I really prefer hand made nail art, I enjoy drawing :-)

  3. Podsjeca me na paunov rep! divna izvedba, a i evelin je prekrasan, bas ti lijepo stoji

    1. Hvala! :-) Samo pre nekoliko godina nisam mogla ni da zamislim da nosim zelenu boju na noktima, a sada sam se navikla i neke nijanse bas mnogo volim :-)

  4. absolutely beautiful polishes, i love this manicure.

  5. First of all I love the color choises that you made, green is one of my favorite colors and the accent nails are neat and beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! :-) Only 3 years ago I couldn't even imagine to wear green on my nails and look at me now...! :-)

  6. ajme meni su ovi lukovi presavršeni, bojica isto krasna, drago mi je da ti se sviđa :D
    mislim da bih radije nosila lukove nego ruže, ali teško mi je odlučiti koja je bolja, kad su obje savršene *.*

    1. Bojicu koristim i to redovno :-) Meni je nesto kod ovih lukova nateralo na neku sumnju, kao da mi nesto ne stima... pa sam se odlucila obrisati ih... :-)

  7. yet another beautiful idea for 2 accent nails! :)

  8. Fora su lukovi :D a boja eh... :P

    1. Hvala! :-) Onda danasnji dan nije dobar dan za tebe...dva posta u zelenoj boji... :-)

    2. ma zato sam ih ja odvojila, ovaj sam vidjela sinoc, a drugi ce valjda doc na red u readeru danas, pa da mi je lakse podnijet bol :P

    3. Ahaha... da ti je lakse podneti bol... E pa tacno tako se ja osecam kad vidim jarku zutu boju :-)


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