
22 February, 2014

Born Pretty Store review: Dotting tools - Dots on lawn green

Today I present you this set of dotting tools that I bought at Born Pretty Store. You can find it on their web site with this name 5x 2way Dotting Pen Marbleizing Tool Nail Art Dot Paint, item ID: 515

This set contains 5 dotting tools, that means 10 different ends (each dotting tool has balls of 2 different sizes at the ends). The dotting tools are easy to work with, they are resistant and they are made in different colours, so you can easily find the one with the right size you need while you're creating your nail art manicure. They are perfect for drawing with nail polish and acrylic paint.

To me they are very useful for my nail art decorations, dots, flower petals, leaves, some particular kind of lines and shades and for filling some shapes with nail polish (for mosaics). 

Here is my manicure, I used the smallest dotting tool to make the dots :-) 
I hope you like it! :-)

Kiko Laser Nail Lacquer n° 449 Lawn Green

Kiko Sun Pearl n° 427 Amable Chartreuse
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat

What kind of dotting tools do you use for your nail art creations, hand-made or some like these? 

If you would like to try these dotting tools, you can find them on Born Pretty Store web site with this name 5x 2way Dotting Pen Marbleizing Tool Nail Art Dot Paint

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.


  1. Dotting tools are such a great tool for nail art :)
    (even if I use my brush for most LOL)

    1. These are really really affordable, they don't break, they are easy to clean and very useful :-)

  2. Manicure is beautiful. And yes, I use a similar set of dotting tools. The different sizes surely makes nail art painting a lot easier. :)

    1. Thank you, Rina! :-) These dotting tools are so simple and so useful! :-)

  3. odlična manikura :D
    imam iste ovakve točkalice, baš ih volim :D
    p.s. valjda Lendoxia neće grintat na zelenu boju ;)

    1. Hvala draga moja koleginice! Hvala i za podrsku u vezi zelene boje! :-) A nasoj anti-zelenoj koleginici necemo zameriti, vazno je da bar voli plavu! :-)

    2. Evo sam se bome i razbolila, bit ce da je od onih zelenih noktiju neki dan, morat cu je se klonit :P

    3. Jao, pa to je znaci ozbiljna stvar... Isto tako ja reagujem na zutu boju... :-)

  4. it's a fun and not that usually dotticure you did! I have only one dotting tool, but it's not that colourful as your new ones :))

    1. Thank you, Mari! :-) I've done so many dotticures that I have to "invent" some new version of dotticure... :-) I already had the same set but I gave 3 of them to my friends, so I wanted to take a new set and keep all of them just for me :-) I love dotting tools and, although I have these I also ordered some wooden dotting tools, I just loved how they look :-)

  5. La nail art è bellissima! I dotter aiutano tantissimo, soprattutto se suna è brava come te ad usarli :) ( I miei dots sono sempre storti) :(

    1. Grazie, Sara! :-)
      Certe volte mi "impasticcio" anch'io, però di solito il lavoro dotting mi va abbastanza bene e i puntini mi piacciono tanto! :-)

  6. Ho anche io questi dotter e li trovo ottimi! Poi vabè.... se una li sa usare come te diventano a dir poco eccellenti! ;-)

  7. iste imam sa ebay-a. ja sam bila malo gruba prema njima pa sam uspjela jednu slomit. također stavljala sam ih u one acetone sa spuzvom kako ih nebi morala čistit vaticom pa sam unistila plastiku i sad su matirani :( ovo mi je skola sigurno

    1. Dobro, nije to nista strasno, kako nam se svidjaju matirani lakovi, tako nam se mogu svidjati i matirane dotting tools :-) Vazno je da funkcionisu! :-) A inace su i prilicno jeftini, pa mozes mirne duse kupiti novi set i baciti ovaj stari... :-)

  8. I like your dotticure! :)

    1. Thank you, Irina! :-) I like playing with dotting tools and I love dots! :-)


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