
14 January, 2014

Bourjois n° 21 Sunny Sunday

I know, I know, some of you who know me a little bit better will not believe when they see what I'll present to you today, but in my defence I have to say that I got this nail polish from my dear cousin Mateja, Rainbows and Blues blog, and I think she wanted to tell me that I should start using also yellow, at least once in a while... :-) Mateja, thank you for this nail polish (and for other nail polishes came in the same nail mail) and yes, I will use it in the future, but for some nail art details :-) 

So, today I present to you the nail polish Bourjois n° 21 Sunny Sunday.
Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, without top coat.

Stay tuned: later today some nail art coming! :-)


  1. Replies
    1. L'ho avuto in regalo, è molto difficile per me comprare o/e utilizzare giallo, nella vita privata e sulle unghie.. Ma, sicuramente sarà utilizzato per qualche creazione nail art :-)

  2. Mateja is so right - it looks gorgeous on you!!

    1. Mateja always sends me beautiful things :-) I see this nail polish as a "provocation" for me to use it more! :-)

  3. meni se čini da se ova boja sasvim slaže s tvojim tenom, a i ime je odlično pogođeno... još samo fale sendviči i mravi za odličan nedjeljni piknik ;)

    1. E, pa ne mogu da dodjem na taj piknik, ove nedelje radim :-) Znas sta, mislim da ce ovaj "zuc'ko" biti koriscen za cvetice i tackice! :-)

  4. As for me, I like it! :)

    1. I like to see it on other girls, I don't feel comfortable wearing it, but it will surely be very useful for nail art details :-)

  5. Bravo za Mateju divna je nijansa i super ti stoji, zavolit ces ti zutu prije nego ja zelenu :P

    1. Bravo za Mateju, svakako! :-) Sto se tice mene i zute, ne verujem u ovo sto predvidjas, sanse su jako, jako slabe... :-)


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