
21 December, 2013

Christmas sweater

I adore sweaters and I would surely like to have one like this, designed by Raggio di Luna! :-)

At the end, there will be one photo a little bit different, some kind of "intruder" :-) 
What happened? I couldn't resist and I added some white on my black flowers.. and yes, I didn't like it that way... and yes, I DID cover it with black again, to have my beautiful taupe-black Christmas sweater back!!! :-)

Kiko Sugar Mat n° 455 Light Taupe
Acrylic colours


  1. This is pretty, I love the white intruder, it's so pretty!

  2. It looks so pretty with white, but the black version I love more! ;P

    1. Thank you, Irina! :-) Yes, also I love the black version more! :-)

  3. I would wear the hell out of this sweater both ways, Tanja--I love these so much!! ♥

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! :-) I really love sweaters and I would really love to have one like this! :-)

  4. I love the way the white version popped! Either way...stunning. I have a question though: are these stamped or (gulp) free-handed? Thanks!

    1. Thank you! :-) The answer is: gulp! :-)

    2. Wow, you have incredible talent! May I you use brushes? If yes, what kind or brand? Or do you use something like this nail art pen ( Of course, using the same tools as you won't enable a novice like me to produce anything close to the fantastic artwork you create...but I'd love to know what you use so I could at least practice with the same instrument(s). Thank you, again! Delphi

    3. Wow, you have incredible talent! May I you use brushes? If yes, what kind or brand? Or do you use something like this nail art pen ( Of course, using the same tools as you won't enable a novice like me to produce anything close to the fantastic artwork you create...but I'd love to know what you use so I could at least practice with the same instrument(s). Thank you, again! Delphi

    4. Thank you! :-)
      I don't use nail art pens.
      I use normal brushes, I buy them at the local stationary shop, some of them are very thin. Lately I use also the set of brushes bought on Born Pretty Store and exactly this one:
      I am very satisfied with them :-)
      You just have to find a set of brushes (or only one brush) that works good for you! :-)

    5. Thank you very much for taking time to reply and for your expert information and advice! Delphi

    6. You're welcome, I'll try to help if I can :-)

  5. I love it! I also prefer it in black, the white is too contrasting. But what is really amazing, how do you paint that freehand! I wouldn't get it so sharp even by stamping it. You're so very talented :-)

    1. Thank you, Natalia! :-) I do it much faster if I do it free-hand, otherwise I risk to finish in a complete mess! :-)

  6. slažem se, puno mi je bolja verzija bez bijele ;)
    odlična :D

    1. Uh, super, znaci dva ista dzempera, jedan za tebe, jedan za mene! :-)

  7. All'inizio ho pensato che avessi fatto uno stamping: il motivo è davvero perfetto 0_0 complimenti!
    Comunque anch'io preferisco la versione scura :)

    1. Grazie, Aly! :-) Sì, con il bianco mi è sembrato tutto troppo... semplicemente troppo! :-)

  8. oh, i would too love a sweater like this. So very pretty!

  9. Bas su djemperasti :D Moras nac nekog tko plete pa mu nabavit vunu da ti isplete jedan ovakav :)

    1. Nekada mi je mama plela sve sto sam zelela, bilo je dovoljno samo da joj nacrtam i evo ga, krece sa dzemperom... Sada vise ne plete, a i mnogo je daleko... :-)

    2. gubi se valjda ta navika, meni je baka prije plela, ali se sad drzi samo miljea ponekad, nista nosivo :)

    3. Moje bake vise odavno nema, ali sam puna tih miljea u raznim velicinama, to je pravila za moju sestru i mene, ono kao fora za "miraz" kad se udamo... a ni ona ni ja ih ne koristimo... :-)

  10. I love the black and gray version!
    i wouldn't even mind wearing that sweater ;-)
    The white version - although more "wintery" maybe... is not one I would wear LOL


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