
24 December, 2013

Christmas Nativity

Although I don't have snow here where I live, this year I was very inspired for making Christmas manicures :-) I wanted to try also a Nativity manicure, so I searched for the inspiration on web. I can say that I didn't find many manicures as I expected... but at the end I got the inspiration from Top Coat It and her manicure On the 6th Day of Christmas... Nativity.

I'm happy how it came out! :-) What do you think about it? :-)

Debby n° 186 Night In Soho
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous!!
    I struggle to get in the Christmas spirit because of the lack of cold weather - but Merry Christmas my friend!

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) I'm not so crazy about snow or cold weather, because it brings me lot of problems from the practical point of view, but I would surely like to spend few days on the mountain, with some show... and the possibility to come in and warm me up near some nice fireplace and watch the snow from the inside :-)
      Merry Christmas! :-)

  2. I think you did a great job on these! And you can have my snow. I hate it :P

    1. Thank you, Kas! :-) No, no, I really don't want your snow.. :-) Or maybe just for one or two days :-)

  3. Bellissime come tutte le arti che fai.
    Gorgeous as usual. Mine was a total fail... =/

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Giovanna! :-)
      Merry Christmas to you too! :-)

  4. wow, ovo je odlično *.*
    pogledala sam i original, i moram reći da je tvoja manikura bolja <3

  5. This is gorgeous, but after seeing the stained glass one... this isn't *that* great ;-))

    1. I know exactly what you mean, I had the same impression! :-) Anyway, I love this one too! :-)

  6. these are great, very pretty as always.

  7. It looks so beautiful!


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