
02 November, 2013

Raggio di Luna manicures collage October 2013


  1. So many beautiful colors and designs - but that pastel yellow is sooo sweet ;)

    1. You will see that pastel yellow in November collage :-) But, if you look carefully, there are some YELLOW dots, the manicure is Happy tree, there are some yellow dot flowers on it :-)

  2. moja je bila najlipša :D
    joj, a crno sunce, pa cvjetovi na plavom ispod nje... pa oni crno-bijeli kvadrati... ma sve su super, tko će ih sve nabrojati :D

    1. Mislim da je medju mojim omiljenima taj tvoj manikir tj. Abstract watercolour, onda sivi cvetovi na zlatnoj bazi, zeleni manikir sa kvadratima a i ruza u tamno crvenim nijansama :-)

  3. so many awesome ideas for easy yet attractive manicures :)) I'm at a loss picking my fav from you this month :D I love the black flowers on orange, and dots on lilac, and the 5th one in the 2nd row :))

    1. I think that my favourite manicures in October are Abstract watercolour (the 5th one in the 2nd row, from left to right), green manicure with squares (the 1st one in the 2nd row, from left to right), grey flowers on golden base and dark red shades rose :-)


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